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Your pov

Every night, when your teammates are asleep, you sneak out and use the skill you use when you want to complete quests


New quest

Get dust for ammunition

Reward 200 lien 400 exp

Bonus reward: stealth skill


You were curious why there was stealth skill as a did not see a skill bar in your stats

(Y/N): what are the vailable "SKILL'S" I have...

A menu appeared in front of you.





You were surprised you had such high levels but something caught your attention on the next page of the skill screen






As you saw this you created a portal to the dungeon you train in and farm for lien. Checking your balance each day


BALANCE: 568,230 lien


I was surprised not checking after a week of grinding nonstop. Well at least in the dungeon time. A minute in remnant was a day in his dungeon.

(Y/N): guess I wont be worried for my money for the time being.

You go get to vale to get dust.


After getting dust from a dust shop, you head back to beacon.

(Y/N): (looking at scroll) hmmm....its 6:23 am...guess im getting breakfast here.



Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Level: 582 (1587/ 9000 exp)

Title: the dragon slayer

Race: nine tailed fox faunus diety

Agility: 840
Sanity level :Normal


(Y/N): guess I got abit stronger...hmm? Last time I checked this was the result....huh...maybe its processing the additional stats...

You closed the panel and went in a restaurant.

Waitress: Goodmorning sir, What would you like?

(Y/N): ill have (f/f) and (f/d) along with some cookies and fish.

Waitress: that would be 228 lien sir.

(Y/N): okay.

You hand over the money and she left. You wait for it to come and hear a ruckus caused outside the shop as soon as the waitress got back.

(Y/N): umm...miss? Can you place it on a package? I may have to deal with this guy...

Waitress: yes sir.

You walked outside, the people inside the restaurant looking at you from the large window.

(Y/N): hey you over there, yeah you, the one in blue shirt,brown hair,and black handkerchief in his face.

Thug leader: what do you want, you gonna stop me from robbing the people here?think again.

As soon as he said that you see 4 more people come out of an ally with weapons drawn out and smirks in their faces.

(Y/N): i'd say your scared of me.

Thug 1: whaddya say?! Our leader is no coward.

Thug leader: well, shoot him boys

Thugs: YES SIR!!!

They started firing bullets and all you do was stand there not even having a weapon. After being fired bullets at they saw no bullet holes on (Y/N)'s body and
still standing unscathed.

(Y/N): too slow...

As you said that, you drop the bullets from your hands and looked at the thugs menacingly.

(Y/N): you are not gonna leave easily today.You messed with the wrong huntsman.

You took out crimson rebellion and slashed at the thugs now barely alive. You let the cops handle the rest and you took your food and left.

You ate breakfast while on the way to beacon.when you got back you went to your dorm,got dressed and went to class

(Y/N): barely late...10 minutes before class starts...

You opened the door and see not all people are here yet.

Port: ahh, Mr (L/N), please take a seat...wait, where are your teammates?

(Y/N): still preparing...

Cardin:oh hey there is a new freak in our class

(Y/N): ever heard of not being rude card*ck?

Cardin: what did ya say freak?

(Y/N): that you are weak...

Cardin: goodwitch's class weirdo

(Y/N): prepare to lose...weakling

Chapter end

The summoned fox Rwby x male gamer faunus readerWhere stories live. Discover now