Exploration in beacon

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After being here for around 10 hours, ivd decided to check all around beacon. Before you do that you checked your stats.



Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Level: 582 (1587/ 9000 exp)

Title: the dragon slayer

Race: nine tailed fox faunus diety

Strength:508 +3
Agility: 840 +2
Defense:748 +6
Intelligence:956 +5
Sanity level :Normal


You began to think how much lien you have so you thought of your "BALANCE".
As in, the one that answeres how much you got.


Balance: 300 lien

(Y/N): I guess I gotta get more quests done to get more money...

You checked the time in your "mysterious tablet" aka the scroll you got from ozpin and showed that it has just reached 7:10. Luckily it was sunday.
A loud thud was heard when something hit the wall beside you.

(Y/N): uh...ruby? Do...you need help?

Ruby: no need, im fine.anyways....

(Y/N):what is it ruby....if you wanna know what happened to me, nothing happened, Im only exploring beacon.

Ruby: ill show you around later.by the way...

You looked confused as to what she meant about that until.


You were astounded to how fast she could talk but since you understood it you just went straight to point.

(Y/N): *sigh* alright...(looks around) follow me.

After reaching a certain place that you saw no one was at you swiped the air which confused ruby, but after that your weapons crimson rebellion and blue redemption appeared on your hands which astounded ruby.

Ruby: Oh my oum. HOWDIDYOUDOTHAT!¡!¡!!¡!¡

(Y/N): one of the abilities my semblance has.

Ruby: what's your semblance?

(Y/N): its a secret.

Ruby: so...what's your weapons' names

(Y/N): this guy is crimson rebellion

(Y/N):and THIS is blue redemption, and I got two of em but the other is azure not blue

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(Y/N):and THIS is blue redemption, and I got two of em but the other is azure not blue

(Y/N):and THIS is blue redemption, and I got two of em but the other is azure not blue

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(Y/N): now...im gonna roam around beacon now *transform into fox mode*


(Y/N):sure rubes, but dont get too hectic at it it can hurt


After ruby walking around beacon carrying me as if im a stuffed toy, she introduced me to many people that she knew but not all of them. She kept petting me, and I kinda am getting used to it. you asked her the time and she said it was only 10:27 so you decided to continue. After being shown around, you guys went back to the dorm room. After opening the door, 3 girls are looking at us but I just jumped off ruby and slept on top of the desk.

Weiss: so, how was your "breakfast" ruby

Yang: I cant believe my little sister is hitting on a boy (nudges her) im so proud (hugs her which makes her kinda suffocating)

Ruby: yang...stop...

Blake: so did you ask him out or do something?

Ruby: I just asked him to show me his weapons and to carry him around the school since he insisted in roaming beacon.

Weiss: makes sense...so how did you find him?

Ruby: well...


ruby wakes up in the room noticing (Y/N) was gone, she wakes up, gets dressed and goes to the cafeteria. After eating cookoes for breakfast, she took a stroll

Ruby:now where is he...

Since ruby left a not saying she will be eating breakfast, she was not worried.
After turning a right, ruby saw (Y/N) walking.

Ruby: (whisper) alright...lemme get a stance.

Ruby activates her semblanve and hits the wall beside (Y/N).

Flaskback end

Weiss:I see...well, did you get any info from him?

Ruby: nope he's too secretive

Yang: I forgot, did he take a shower?

Ruby: yeah, I saw some of his clothes left in the humper-



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