Just passing by

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Y/N pov

(Y/N): (knock knock knock) may I come in?

Ozpin: you may

As I walk in I see he was talking with miss salem and professor ironwood including professor goodwitch near the door

Ozpin:so...what do you need mr.(L/N)?

(Y/N): are my teammates in a mission?

Ironwood: your teammates havent arrived here since early in the morning...maybe they went out to vale.

(Y/N): I see... well, prof ozpin, id like to investigate a white fang activity just up north of vale.

Ozpin: and what do you want to accomplish?

(Y/N): oh nothing jist wanted to go on a mission because I keep getting bored

Salem: then ill send some people who can help...

(Y/N): no need miss salem. I can handle my own

Glynda: transportation?

(Y/N): I can do it...

Ozpin:well you are going to do it tommorow with your tea-

(Y/N): they'll leave me because they  think that im overworking myself even though im managing my health

Ozpin: very well, you may go...

(Y/N): thank you..

You bow to them and left the room. Acouple of minutes later you arrived outside of the school at the courtyard.

(Y/N): system inject item spawn... cruxian...

System: in progress...

15 minutes later

System: injection complete

(Y/N): geez I even used the time to train in here

You were inside the dungeon you created and you trained while waiting...


An inventory box just popped up and you scrolled through so much loot and finally found cruxain

An inventory box just popped up and you scrolled through so much loot and finally found cruxain

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Yes I made it myself

(Y/N): *took it out* its nice to see you bud...

I used its hoverboard mode and went to vale...

Yang pov

As we are walking in the forest we sensed something different.

Weiss: yang is something wrong?

Yang: well I feel like someone is watching us

Blake: I also feel it...

Ruby: then lets make a run for em.


we hear someone falling

???: oof (one branch hit) ugh (second) oww (third) ack (fourth) uggghh (hitting the ground)

We see the guy wearing a gray cloak and a blue and black color scheme of scarf that coveres all the way to his nose. He fell face first but probably his aura is now depleted.

Yang: you alright?

???: do I look alright from this looks

Weiss: how rude we were worried about you and you spout that at us?

???2: hehehe looks like we found one more victim..

We looked up to see 20 bandits surrounding us

Leader: give us all your stuff or you see this dude die...

???: gee what are you saying...

I feel like ive felt this aura before


The guys hood on the cloak  fell

(Y/N): no I just dont feel bad to do it now...CRUXIAN!!!

We see a big dual sword flying towards him and catches it...

Ruby: (Y/N)?!?!?

(Y/N): just...passing by???

Oh your in BIIIIIIIIGG trouble

Leader: GET HIM!!!!!

All of the bandits charged at him and he only smirked...

(Y/N): heh.... CELESTIAL QUAKE!!!!!

He slammed the greatswords on the ground  making big rubbles fly up and he hits em all towards the bandits. They were no match now.

Leader: RETREAT!!!!

They retreated and we were left.

(Y/N): no time to explain

He placed his dual greatsword together making a pentagin like skape and the handles moved to the sides.


he throws it at the ground and hops on it.

(Y/N): gotta go... bye!

He didnt hesitate to go full throttle we thought it was a shield but it was a hoverboard.


we get a notification from professor ozpin saying that he is on a solo mission towards where we were going...

Chapter end

Kanrisha: im thinking of publishing my neptunia fanfic thats been sitting for months in my notepad...its hard

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