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Y/N pov

Who was that person clad in shadow...I have so many questions that I lost track of both time and count...system has anybody try to manipulate my mind when I was asleep?

System( in mind): none sir.

I see...then tell new what date it is today? Oh and how long I was unconscious for?

A screen was displayed with exact 3 days unconscious? I have to step up my game..

???: ehem.

I look up to see few familiar faces...

(Y/N): oh....its just you guys...

Weiss: WHAT do you mean by "'s just you guys..."?

(Y/N): I mean its not like I don't see you everyday ...

I quickly caught my senses towards 4 other people...

(Y/N): wait....angel is that you?

Angel: finally noticed me Big brother?

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Angel: finally noticed me Big brother?

(Y/N): I mean I was asleep for 3 days I thought you already left...

Angel: anyways Big brother...long time no see. Or should I say nice to meet you again?

(Y/N): again with the sarcasm

Yang: ehem dear

(Y/N): one im not your property and two I can hear you crystal clear.

Ruby: then why not introduce us to your sister?

(Y/N): oh right I forgot since you guys ditched me. Meet my sister, angel. Angel meet my teammates, team rwby...

???: arent teams supposed to have 4 members only?

(Y/N): I'm an exception miss?

Laura: oh...Laura Saizei

Crain: Crain Humphrey

Ozuma: Ozuma Saizei and yes Laura and I are siblings.

(Y/N): sounds like team chaos (CAOS) to me...

Completely guessing but I think I hit the hay since they went wide eye)

(Laura Saizei🔽yes she's a faunus.)

(Ozuma Saizei🔽yes he's human because their mother was human and father was faunus )

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(Ozuma Saizei🔽yes he's human because their mother was human and father was faunus )

(Ozuma Saizei🔽yes he's human because their mother was human and father was faunus )

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(Crain Humphrey🔽leader)

For the mean time I feel tired so my head was bobbing which both teams noticed

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For the mean time I feel tired so my head was bobbing which both teams noticed

Angel: you okay big brother?

(Y/N): yeah...just tired is all.

Laura: then we will leave you for tonight. We must not disturb you while your regaining your energy.

(Y/N): okay....thanks by the way, for taking care of my sister.

C/O/S: no prob.

Angel: then we will see you tomorrow. Bye!!!

Ruby: we'll be back tomorrow.

R/W/B/Y: bye (Y/N)

(Y/N): bye...

As soon as I heard the door close...BOREDOM HIT ME!!!!!


A/N: sorry for short chapter. Its my final examination for the 3rd yr highschool of the school year om april 10-12. Wish me luck!!!

The summoned fox Rwby x male gamer faunus readerWhere stories live. Discover now