Chapter 1: Stop Judging Me

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Updated 9/8/12. let my know what you think(: I know it isn't very great, but I like feedback. Comment and vote!                ~ Syd


   Chapter One:  Stop Judging Me                                    

Dim lights, silence so deep that if broken, it felt like the world would shatter. This is where I wander sometimes. It may not be where you expect it to be. The studios empty and the hooks bare. I dug through my bag and found a ribbon to pull back my long, wavy brown hair that was cascading down my back like a waterfall. Walking the hallways, my bare feet padded on the cool tile. Here it was, my studio. Turning on soft music, I danced in the dim lights. My hair swirled around as my mind began to float away from reality. Dancing was my way to get away from the world.  

I was snapped back into the harshness of reality as I did the final twirl. My feet pointed, the silk blue ribbon on the floor, and my hands poised at my side. I ran my hand through my hair, when had the ribbon fallen out? As I set out for my lonely ribbon, I glanced at the clock. I wonder if they''ll notice I'm still gone. Thinking of my parents, I couldn't help but to crumble to floor and hold the ribbon in my trembling hands. Maybe they don't even care where I am. I held my head in my hands, tears beginning to escape. I took a long, deep breath, telling myself to calm down. I brushed a stray piece of hair out of my face and prepared myself to walk home. With a tug of my hood and a zip of my jacket, I slipped out into the outside world. 

The rain was beating at my face as I plunged down the street. Each foot sloshed in dark puddles with every step. The sky was darker than I'd ever seen it; my only light was the street lamps. When I heard a rushing river, I knew I was out of the city and the darkened forest was just a quick turn away. As I cut through the trees, branches smacked my face and thorns scratched my skin. Soon, I found the roughly cut railing of the fence around my small home. I took a moment to catch my breath and pulled the door open to darkness.  

I crept up the long staircase, trying to avoid the creaking, and slipped into my room. I plopped my bag on my floor and changed out of my sopping wet clothes. Studying myself in the cracked mirror, I took note of the red marks all over my face and body from the tree limbs. The thorns had also left long scratches on my arms and legs. I was surprised they weren't stinging with pain. They will surely hurt tomorrow. I guess I won't have many people talking to me tomorrow. They will be too busy whispering and making rumors of how I got these marks. I slumped in a chair. People are so judgmental these days, I thought while my eyes blazed with fury and my hands in tight fists. Anxiety left me helplessly lying awake until i eventually exhausted myself and drifted off to sleep.

- - - - -

The sky was a grayish blue color and the grass wet with dew. The subtle breeze made my hair fly around like sheets drying on a clothing line. The butterflies let the wind blow and guide them along their morning trails. the woods was always beautiful in the morning as I walked to school. I held my books close to my chest and prayed today would be ok. A tremble went through my body as I thought of the harsh things my classmates would say about my marks and scratches from the woods. Her father beats her, or She cuts herself, didn't you hear? They'd go on and on with rumors, not actually knowing what happened. My knuckles were white from the way I clenched my books in anger. I turned my face to the ground in shame, I cannot go on like this. I can't always be so negative.  

Soon, I saw the large school buildings. I sucked in air that I seemed to be losing quickly. Though my legs ached and my face burned, I walked through the doors, preparing myself for the worst. The second I walked in, confused and shocked eyes burned straight through me and observing every visible part of me. I felt tears swelling in my eyes and blinked them back as I set off down the hallway. Whispers and gasps surrounded me; horrified looks taking over me. I can't do this anymore, a whimper escaped my body.  

My nearest escape was the bathroom. I practically threw myself at the door to escape the arena of judgement and pain. I looked into the mirror and let my eyes examine myself, just like everyone in the hall had. My face was flushed and my eyes were red and glassy. My scratches were even worse looking today. I caressed my hair, which was kept out of my face by the ribbon I used to make a head band, and wondered why this was happening to me. No use in over thinking this. It is already happening. I slipped on my hoodie and adjusted my headband then set out for my class.  

I was met with more stares, these were harsher then I'd received earlier. They bore through my soul, making me feel as if I was on a stool in the middle of an arena with the brightest lights engulfing me there for their enjoyment. Like an item, a product. My face began to burn. Not with embarrassment or pain, but with anger. They have no right to judge me. Hardly any of them even know my name.


Hope you liked it(: Don't forget to comment and vote :D  I decided to use Anna Popplewell as the main character, the looks are similar.  ~Syd

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