Chapter 5: Explanations

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  (Chapters updated 9/26/12)

This chapter is dedicated to Saturn137 for being my first friend on Wattpad. She always kept me writing and wouldn't let me give up(: Check out her story Reawakening! It's wonderful!


Chapter Five: Explanations

  Tapping feet, ticking clock, and breathing was all that could be heard in the room for ten minutes. He said he would tell me, so I didn't want to rush him. I could tell it was painful to talk about by the way his face scrunched at the ground. I figured he was gathering his thoughts. At the end of the tenth minute, I couldn't stop fidgeting. I was about to open my mouth and ask him to please hurry, but he spoke before I could. I picked my legs up and wrapped my arms around them, holding on to prepare for the news I was about to hear.

  "Lauren, your family, the family you remember, isn't your real family." That was enough to make face go pale and make my blood go cold. "They were assigned to you after the.. accident. At the time, they were trusted and high up in our system. They were suppose to protect you and care for you, sheltering you away from your past. We see now that we failed to pick the right parents for you; they showed hardly any care for you. The dance studio you often went to was owned by Ms. Scheurs, correct? But when was the last time you've seen her? Yes, she seemed to have disappeared? She is a coward and went into hiding," he growled, making a menacing face.

     It scared me a bit. I hadn't really noticed she was gone; I'd just gone with the flow. "You see, he continues, "your family has always been targeted by the group Rio. They are the total opposite of us. Totally evil and bloodthirsty. They want you all gone. While you were so young at the time, merely a young girl in elementary school, we had to take you away from your family and all life here with us. It is so hard for me because we were best friends, Lauren," he gazed at me with his beautiful eyes. Sighing, he continued, "The dance studio you loved so much had recently been targeted by the Rio. They began to see through the cracks of the mission to keep you protected and are going to attack tonight, figuring that you would be there. That is why I needed to get you out of there."

  This is a lot to take in. I was not taking it well and questions were building up. My palms began to get clammy and my mind was racing. I was dizzy, so very dizzy. I lowered my head onto my knees, this isn't real. He's crazy. He is just crazy. If he was crazy, why do I believe him? I let my nails cut into my legs, leaving an indention. I was scared, terribly frightened. I was unable to breath, a nauseating feeling rising in my stomach. Zach still wasn't continuing, but I had to ask questions. I had to say something. My voice was quiet as I whispered, "Zach, what was the accident?"

  "The accident happened nine years ago. I am in a group that many people don't know about. We keep people safe. Not spies exactly, before you think that. We usually just come out in times that we are needed in situations unable to be handled by the police or are over looked by FBI. Anyways, your parents were very high up in their rankings of our group. They were a step under the Chief status. On the day of the accident, everyone was either out, refurnishing their offices, working on our main system.. everyone was busy. It was a horrible mistake on our behalf, but it had been so quiet lately! We just took a lazy day. The Rio, who has always been enemies with your family, had been watching us for quite some time. They realized we had our defences down and attacked everything in sight until they reached your parents. After putting up a great fight, your father was killed and your mother was taken captive." He stopped, looking ill himself, but only for a moment.

  "We were so shocked that had happened, they forgot about you- until we heard crying. You were in your room. Someone had locked the door so you'd be safe and not come out. I was so happy you were okay. I had to hug you until you stopped crying. When it happened, you were too young to understand. After that day, they took you away from me. I cried for weeks straight. I was only a year older, so I couldn't really control my emotions. My father, the old man you saw earlier, told me they needed to keep you safe, so they sent you far away. You were given "parents," Marley and Jim, who were wonderful.. at first. Years later, they grew tired and practically neglected you, but we were never informed. Last night when I found you at the dance studio, I was shocked. You are all grown up now, for one thing. I also realized that you were alone in the area targeted by the Rio. So on instinct, I got you out of there. That is all I am allowed to tell you for now, but what I want to know is why you don't know any of this."

  He was done speaking, but his voice rang in my ears. Your father is dead. Your mother is probably dead. Your life has been a lie.  My mind was a mess. The world was spinning, crumbling. The light was falling away into darkness. The ocean rose and was swirling around me, dripping its water droplets on me. A leaping flame kept grazing my legs. I shouted out to them "Leave me alone!" I cried into the wind, my tears a floating stream to join the ocean. When joined, it became a light blue swirl of water, circling me, taunting me. At last, the last piece of earth I stood on, fell out from under me.

  I was falling. Falling forever in darkness. I was alone. I had nothing. No one to love me, no one to care. It was over. I will fall forever until I deteriorate and live with the darkness. Everything I knew before.. was a lie? I must be going crazy, but I will have no help for my craziness; for I am falling forever. The darkness was dragging me under, chuckling as it did so. Until I saw something in the darkness, it was a light. A tiny speck of light. I swam, clutching folds in the darkness to reach it, but it kept pulling me back chanting, They are dead. You are alone. No one loves you. They are dead. They are dead. I didn't give up, though. It reached for me one last time, but I pulled through the not-so-tiny-anymore speck. It seemed to close behind me, the darkenes' screams dying away. Light was all I could see. I felt warm and safe; the light had saved me from my craziness. I wasn't alone.

  Then I opened my eyes. I wasn't really falling, I wasn't in darkness. The light has saved me. I was still on the couch. My nails had cut into my knees, sending a burning sensation through me. My face was burning cheeks were soaked with tears that wouldn't stop flowing. You know, I don't have to believe him, a sane person wouldn't, but there was something about this place, something about him and his father, that felt familiar. My temporary craziness hadn't lasted, I was ok. I looked at where Zach had previously been, but he was gone, shooting a wave of terror through me. Where did he go? Did he lock me in here? Is he getting others? My wave of terror passed when he came back into the room with a first aid kit. He looked pretty flushed himself as he fixed up the places my nails cut.

   "How do I know to trust you?" I whispered. The look he gave me sent chills through my body. Isn't it funny how mere expressions can tell you a story? After Zach had cleaned up my cuts, I stretched out on the couch. I had tried to stand a few minutes before, but I fell in an instant. I felt paralyzed through and through. I sighed, closing my eyes. I was exhausted. As I thought into what he'd said, I shot up. Why didn't I remember? I was going to find out and Zach was going to help me.


So there is the big explanation chapter. Well, most of the explanation(; Mostly everything is out on now. Did you like her craziness faze? What did you think of this chapter? Should I fix anything or is it alright? Does it seem too cliche or unrealistic in any way? Feedback is nice(: The next chapter might be a late update, just warning you now. School is pretty overwhelming. Explain in the comments what you thought of this chapter! :D PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT Bye bye for now(:


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