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"Any idea where he could be?" the Austrian asked grabbing his coat. ".....N-No.... I've searched every place i could think o-of....." the short blonde sobbed as she took Austria's hand. "Do you know where he is...?" she asked in a pleading tone and the other nodded slightly. Austria had known Switzerland for a long time now. He could imagine where he had disappeared to since this situation reminded him of several others. He knew that Vash wasn't a scaredy-cat for sure but even him sometimes needed a place where he could relax. For some reason Roderich's heart beat a little bit faster and his cheeks were heating up when he thought about the possibility that the Swiss had eventually run away because of his invitation. "Something like that already happened in the past....." the aristocrat mumbled while sighing and putting his shoes on. "You can stay here, Liechtenstein, ja? I will bring your brother back, don't worry." he said smiling to the short girl as he patted her head before stepping outside and closing the door behind himself.

As soon as he was outside he noticed how cold it actually was and he was indeed happy that his coat was thick enough to protect him from those temperatures. He walked out onto the street and continued his way to a forest not far away from him. While walking there he noticed how pretty much everyone he passed was heading home or he could see the warm lights of the windows of other houses. It probably was around 7pm right know and of course the sky was pitch dark. He began to hurry a little and hastily entered the forest walking through it carefully since he had to be sure to pick the right path. After a while he got to a small bifurcation and the main path continued it's way straightly to a place he didn't know but he quickly took the smaller path downwards and was careful not to make any noises until a lightening struck through the sky and soon some cold icy flakes fell down from the sky. The Austrian was running by now putting all hopes in the thought that his former childhood friend was there. He got to an open field with long grass and a big tree in the middle, as well as a small lake near the tree but to his surprise he could see a silhouette sitting next to the tree. Roderich calmed down and put on a neutral and maybe even cold expression on his face he was always wearing when encountering the Swiss. He got closer to the silhouette and to his surprise noticed him trembling on the ground.

Vash who had noticed another presence by now looked up, his eyes completely red and swollen, and froze. It couldn't be him, right? Why would that man be outside in this weather and why would that aristocrat even go here! He quickly tried to stop his tears by wiping over his eyes with his sleeve but the presence of the Austrian only made it worse and he couldn't stop crying. He hid his face in his hands when he suddenly felt some warmth around him so he eventually took a peek. He was shocked and froze once again. Roderich had knelt down to the other and hugged him tightly pushing him against the Austrian's chest. He didn't really comprehend what was going on as he felt his heart pound faster and faster as well as his cheeks heating up.

"If you're so bothered.....Why, Vash.... Why did you leave me...." Roderich mumbled as he began to stroke the Swiss' hair. Vash would have liked to respond in a sassy tone with something like "Non of your business" or "fuck off" but he found himself clinging onto the other like there was no tomorrow. "I.....was forced....because of the contract, Roderich.... I got neutral and you....you.." he stopped for a second. What was he about to say? He sobbed before continuing "You married Hungary...."

The Austrian was taken by surprise but only tightened his embrace around the other. His own heart was beating fast and even though in the back of his mind a voice was screaming for him to stop and leave the Swiss alone in the cold but he couldn't. He couldn't let go of him. He just felt the trembling of the shorter one and the tears on his chest. "Vash....you're ice cold..." he mumbled noticing that the Swiss hadn't really put on something thick enough for that weather so he opened his own coat and closed it around the Swiss again. "....Roderich?" Vash asked rather surprised as he was pressed up against the other's chest and looked up. "Let's go home okay...?" The Austrian whispered looking at him with a warm and calm expression the one he had missed for many years. Vash didn't respond as he felt two hands gliding down to his hips and grabbing them before standing up and holding the Swiss tightly onto himself. Vash hugged him with his legs since he didn't want to fall down as well as maybe another reason. Soon the Austrian began carrying him out of that forest.

The day he got married ~{AusSwiss/Edelweiss}~ Where stories live. Discover now