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"Go....go please..... Really, Roderich I....don't want to see you anymore. Go..." Vash mumbled as he finally freed himself and stared at the floor to not show the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Vash you're si-"

"No, Rod. Go. Go now.....and don't you ever come back..." he said holding a hand in front of his face whilst pointing to the door with his other hand. Austria knew he shouldn't push the Swiss anymore so he made a step forwards and kissed the others forehead. Roderich had always wanted to do that and as long as he wasn't married he would. Unlike he had thought, Vash didn't show any reaction so he stepped away again loosing his confidence and sighing. With hesitating steps he made his way to the doorframe only to look back again. "I hope you still show up tomorrow...."

With that the Austrian had left. The medicine he had bought was laying around on the kitchen counter and the clock was still ticking in the same rhythm. The egg which Vash had been cooking started to slowly turn very brown but Vash didn't care. His heart felt so sick and he was thinking about throwing up. He fell on his knees having no strength left and started to sob. Only crying could be heard in the kitchen and it was quiet for some minutes. He didn't notice how the egg had turned black and was starting to catch fire.

Francis drove down the rode since he had planned to meet his neighbor. He stopped when he arrived at the driveway and hopped out of his car. The Frenchman took a deep breath to fill his nose with those nice scents of flowers. "Hah...... Amazing...." he sighed and smiled looking at the flowers in front of the Swiss house being illuminated by the warm lights of the house. He stepped onto the veranda and pulled a little on his tie, after all he wanted to appear well dressed so that he maybe would get a nightstand done. As he put his hand on the doorbell he noticed that the wooden door was already open just a little. Confused since this had never happened he opened it completely and stepped inside. The Switzerland he knew would never be so careless as to leave his front door open!

"Vash...?" He asked getting out of his shoes and walking through the entrance. Suddenly he smelled smoke and thus he charged after the smell only to reach the kitchen where he found a Swiss on the floor and a burning pan. He didn't think a lot and only grabbed a towel before throwing the pan in the sink and letting the water pour over it. "Vash?!" He asked again surprised as he stared into red eyes full of tears. He'd never seen Switzerland cry so this whole situation looked absurd to him. The Frenchman didn't know how to react but knelt down and gently grabbed the Swiss' hands. He also didn't know what had happened but he felt  like he shouldn't ask. "Let's bring you to bed, alright?" He asked in his mother language and received a small "oui" from the other.

While carrying the Swiss he noticed two things. One thing that he was sick since he was heating up and a scent of cologne that only one person wore. As soon as he knew that it was all clear. Of course the only person on earth who could make Vash cry was a certain Austrian. Guessing that it must've been the wedding invitation he laid him down in the bed and gave him a pill he had found on the kitchen counter. Vash hadn't stopped crying even when the Frenchman was there. Francis sat down next to him on the bed and started to gently caress him. Stroking his cheek softly and patting his hair he knew the Swiss would calm down at some point. As expected only after a few minutes he had fallen asleep and Francis stood up. He usually didn't interfere in the Swiss' problems but he didn't like sad people at all. "Well....there goes the meeting.... Guess I'll try again in two weeks.."

Francis walked down the staircase that lead to the kitchen and started to clean up the mess and maybe even cook something small. He cut some cucumbers and carrots and prepared a soup so that Vash could eat something when he woke up. As he was washing the dishes Francis noticed some chocolate muffins in a corner so he took one and tasted it. This special Austrian muffin was made carefully and with a lot of love so it tasted great for him. "Goodnight, Switzy." Francis mumbled before taking the keys and going outside of the house as he closed the door and locked it. He'd just send the key in a letter a few days later.

Walking to his car the cold air of the night gently caressed his face almost making him sneeze. He slicked back the few hair strands that had escaped his bun and opened his car. As he got inside he looked at the house again. This time no lights since he had put them off. He sighed again "those love idiots...." he mumbled to himself before starting the engine and driving away.

The night continued in it's quiet and calm rhythm and the wind began to calm down. Nothing moved aside the cat that was sitting in front of the gates.

The day he got married ~{AusSwiss/Edelweiss}~ Where stories live. Discover now