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Roderich was driving home and sighed. It had been a really exhausting day already and it wasn't finished yet. He still needed to somehow make sure Vash was alright after all. He really did ask himself why on earth he was going through all of that but it didn't matter anymore. He was going to marry Spain and live a happy life. It was probably the best for all involved. Vash just needed to forget about him and so did Roderich. If it only were that simple.

He turned right when the lights above him turned green and drove into a street full of identical looking houses where he turned left again and drove through a narrow street leading along a field. He knew this shortcut since centuries now so he even knew exactly when the street got a little bumpier. It didn't take him long until he finally managed to get into the right street where he soon stopped in front of a house with a lot of flowers around it. The wind was gently moving the colorful roses and some petals made their way onto the Austrians shoulders. He wished that his relationship could also glide gracefully like that without any worries but unfortunately that was impossible.

He took the keys, which he had taken earlier out of the drawer in the entrance of the Swiss' house, out of his pocket and opened the door with a slight clicking sound. When the Austrian stepped inside his nose got filled with a nice scent so he followed it to the kitchen walking carefully and quietly. With a peek he knew that indeed vash was the one cooking and being enrolled in a blanket. Of course Vash would want to eat, he's hungry after all.

"Vash I'll do that.... Just go back to bed, please..." Roderich suddenly said standing at the doorframe and looking at the other with a bothered face. It hurt him to look at his former best friend overwork himself. Vash turned around in shock and stared at him for a moment without comprehending until he remembered. Yes of course...Roderich had been the one who put him in bed. "I can cook-"

"Vash, please." The Austrian demanded being persistent this time while he moved towards the Swiss and laid his hands on the others. The clock on the wall was ticking in that continuous rhythm and the warm light of the lamps gave the room a nice golden colored touch. It was dark outside now and as they both looked into each other's eyes the time seemed to stand still. Vash had to admit that those violet orbs captivated him each time he dared to look at them. The Swiss' heart started to beat faster and he knew that it wasn't because of his fever. Roderich moved closer and decreased the space between them until the other touched the kitchen counter with his hips making him almost fall. "Please....Vash..." the musician mumbled again before he gently laid his hands around the strong hips of the man in front of him. Vash didn't even tense, no, he relaxed completely noticing that he was enjoying it once again. That warmth he had missed for so long...

"Roderich, I lov-"

"Shhh.....shh.... I know Vash, I know...." Roderich interrupted him before hugging him tightly and with one hand pressing the others face into his own chest. He felt the same way but he had made up his mind to marry Spain. It was too late to blow the marriage off and he should at least try to be a little loyal. It hurt him deeply since he knew he'd probably never get such a confession again but it was for the better.

Vash felt his heart drop and as he tried to free himself from that hug to yell and scream at the Austrian, he felt himself loose his strength suddenly. Almost as if all his energy got sucked out just because of one sentence. It hurt so much. It hurt so goddamn much.

The day he got married ~{AusSwiss/Edelweiss}~ Where stories live. Discover now