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****3rd person pov*****

Taehyung and Jungkook walk in the hallway. Taehyung with an expressionless look while Jungkook flirting with everyone to try to make Taehyung jealous too.

"Wanna go to my party after school?"-one guy said seductively and cutely to Jungkook.

Taehyung snake he's arms around Jungkook waist protectively.

"Sorry dude but Jungkook and I have something to do after school"-Taehyung smile innocently to the guy.

"Is he jealous now?"-Jungkook bite he's lips to hide he's desire to smile.

Taehyung drag Jungkook to their classroom.

Taehyung sit on he's seat beside Irene and away from Jungkook since Jungkook seat beside he's friends and Jin is his friend

••••••••••2 hours later••••••••••

Taehyung glance at Jungkook direction worriedly.

Jungkook, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok are unusually silent while Yoongi look confuse but choose to ignore them. Namjoon feel ashamed for helping Jin but what can he do? he love Jin so much that he can put aside his feelings for Jin happiness.

Taehyung take out his phone and text Jungkook.


Baby are you okay?


The teacher look at he's student to gave them a death glare.

Jungkook gulp while Taehyung mentally facepalm himself

"Using cellphone is not allowed in my class!!"-The teacher said and get back to writing something on the board.

Jungkook take out his phone and look at Taehyung with questioning look and then read the message.

Jungkook smile and put he's phone on silent mode.


I'm not! I feel uncomfortable here sitting with Jin.


Wanna go leave the class?

Jungkook look at Taehyung with disbelief but at the same time amuse.


How could we do that Mr. Genius? And I didn't know that the smart and good student Kim Taehyung can ditch a class😏

Taehyung smile at Jungkook seeing this Jin can't help himself to feel jealous toward Jungkook.


So wanna go or not?


Are you serious?😯


Pretty seriously😁


I want to but how?

Jungkook look at Taehyung who smile at him then suddenly Taehyung noise catches everyone attention.

"Arrg! It's hurts"-Taehyung hold he's stomach tightly bending he's body to support he's acting.

"Mr. Kim are you okay?"-Mr. Minho ask worriedly will Taehyung is he's and every teacher best student in the school.

Jungkook look confuse and at the same time worried.

"M-mr. Choi i-its hurt"-Taehyung roll he's body on he's chair.

Minho panic damn he's a teacher not a nurse.

"Mr. Choi c-can you l-let Jungkook to accompany me to the h-hospital"-Taehyung said and that the clue for Jungkook.

"What a good actor"-Jungkook think and hide he's smile

"Of course! Of course! Wait I'll gave you two a pass card"-Mr. Minho said in a rush.

Jungkook walk to Taehyung, he put Taehyung arm on he's shoulder and snake he's arms around Taehyung to support him? Nah he pinch Taehyung side.

"Ah!"-Taehyung shout feel really hurt.

"Oh god! Here! Here! Jungkook bring Taehyung to the doctor immediately!"-Mr. Minho said.

"Yes sir!"-Jungkook drag Taehyung out the room and when the two get on the silent Hallway Taehyung stand straight normally.

"I didn't know that your a good actor"-Jungkook said playfully.

"I didn't know that too but hearing your compliment make me wonder if I should take the offer of Mr. Bang"-Taehyung said while both walking to the parking lot of their school

"What offer?"-Jungkook said stopping in front of Taehyung car.

"Mr. Bang is my and my friends manager he received offer for me and Jackson to cast in this new drama call Hwarang"-Taehyung said opening he's car in the passenger seat.

"What do you think your doing?"-Jungkook said holding the passasenger door too.

"I'm sick right? So you drive"-Taehyung smile sweetly to Jungkook.

"Hmmp liar! but I'm so lazy right now"-Jungkook pout.

"Okey~ okey~"-Taehyung said kissing Jungkook lips.

The two look so sweet in Jin eyes.

"I can't take this anymore"-Jin said crying

"I want Taehyung for myself and only mine"-Two Minds think the same..

I'm sorry if it's so short I'm trying to update even thought I'm still not feeling well and just got back home for 12 hours ride but



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