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After taking a nice long and steamy shower, I head back into my room and change into some black shorts, a white puma shirt and Nike's before quickly combing my hair, grabbing my phone and keys and heading out the door into my car.

I am not really the type of girl who spends too long thinking about what to wear or what to do with my hair. Not that I don't care, it's just that I couldn't be bothered. Make up never really was my thing so my face is usually make up free. I had medium length, wavy and straightish black hair and had a slightly fit figure?... considering I was a swimmer, minus the height. Yeh no let's not talk about how my height had been a major disadvantage when it came to swimming. But never the less, I kicked ass at the sport.

After driving for about 10 minutes, I turned into Lyla's street and parked in front of her house. Without bothering to knock, I took out my pair of keys and let myself into her house. Perks of being best friends since the diaper days. urgh really, diaper days?

I spotted her parents, Alexis and Ryan in the kitchen drinking coffee together and chatting casually.

"Hey Aunty!" I called out when they spotted me walking towards them.

"Morning Trish sweetheart, would you like some coffee?" she asked as I took a seat down near the kitchen stool.

"Hell's yeah, you know I love your coffee," I said winking at her. She let out a bright smile and laughed before get my coffee.

I turned to Ryan on my left to see him watching us with an amused smile, "How are you hon. It's been a while since you came to visit your old man," he said bringing me in for a hug.

Since my dad died when I was young, I never really knew who my father was or had any male authority in my life, Ryan took that role and became like a second father to Izzy and I. When we were kids and mom was busy working trying to pay for our bills and all while she was still in med school and working simultaneously, we would spend almost every other day at Lyla's. Ryan and Alexis took really good care of the both of us and honestly some of the best memories of my childhood were made possible because of this family.

No wonder Izzy's soo in love with Lyla and her whole family.

"Haha very funny old man, I visited just three days ago and stayed for the night. You and aunty even came swimming with Lyla and I the day after remember," I reminded him.

He smiled slightly, the wrinkles on his face becoming more prominent day by day, "You humor me. I know honey, I still miss your ugly face and annoying voice sometimes."

"And I for one do not miss your oh so loving compliments, but still... i miss you too," I replied honestly hugging him again.

"DUDE! Stop stealing my parents love, leave some for meee!" Lyla cried from behind me and came to sit next to me still in her pajama shorts and tank top, her dyed whitish blonde hair put up in a messy bun.

Unlike me, Lyla was sort of like a beauty queen. Some may even consider her a model with her slim figure and shockingly good make up skills. But safe to say, she wasn't any better than me in the height game. Yeah she was taller than me but not by that much to actually be considered tall tall you know.

I chuckled at her behavior as Alexis handed me my coffee, "Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine this morning?"

Lyla rolled her eyes at me and grabbed my mug taking a sip of coffee.

"Lover boy say hi by the way," I said with an amused smirk.

She immediately blushes and chokes on my coffee and starts coughing profusely while her parents and I just laugh at her. Didn't even have to mention his name to get her to blush.

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