Trisha is beginning her junior year of high school with her two best friends Lyla and Zion. Living the teenage dream, she hopes to make the most of her year pursuing her love for music and her studies along side enjoying her life with her big brothe...
Once I reached home, I checked to see if mom was home yet. "Hello? Anybody home? mom?!" Hmm no response! After deciding that I was in the clear, I rushed up staris to freshen up and take a quick hot shower before changing into my pajama shorts and t-shirt.
Since today had been the first day back, we weren't really given much homework to do, save for a bit of reading for English. Which meant I could relax and rest a while before mom or Izzy got home. Popping two painkillers in my mouth, I made sure to set an alarm on my phone so I didn't sleep the whole night, and slowly drifted off into deep sleep.
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Instead of being woken up by alarm at 7:30 like I had expected, I found myself being disturbed from my slumber by loud voices shouting downstairs. After reluctantly sitting up on my bed wondering who was causing such a ruckus, I checked my phone to see that it was only just 6:45. Great, I miss out on another 45 minutes of precious sleep.
The noises from below were getting louder and sounding angrier. I recognized the voices to be my mother and Izzy but their words were too muffled and incoherent for me to understand what they were saying. I wonder if this has anything to do with the reason Izzy seemed like he was in a bad mood today. Ever since his 'not so pleasant' encounter with James Franco look alike, he didn't seem to recover from his sour pissed mood. When I had asked him what was wrong, he just said that some freshman had pissed him off. Obviously, I knew he was lying, but I didn't push it. If it was really important, he would tell me in his own time, when he's ready.
Unable to help my self from figuring out what was wrong, I slowly tip toed quitely out of my room, down the hall and halfway down stairs until the voices of my brother and mother were audible. Bond,James Bond.
"I don't get why you won't just tell her!" I heard Izzy's voice say in frustration, probably at my mom.
"It's not that I won't... I can't! It will ruin her!" mom said back, sounding equally angry and a bit scared.
Hmm, I wonder what they're talking about?
"The truth is bound to come out eventually mom. It's better if she finds out from you than from someone else," Izzy replied back, sounding much more calm this time.
"Trust me..." mom said scoffing, "no one else knows, including him. I mean you said so yourself, he didn't even recognize her."
"It doesn't mean he won't figure it out soon mom," he said softly
"I don't care if he does Izzy. He's been out of our lives so far, and I'll make sure it stays that way," she replied sniffing.
Is she crying? And who are they talking about?! I am soo confused!!!
Just as I was about to make my way back up stairs to make sense of what I had just heard, I lost my balance for a split second causing me to step on a loose floorboard, making a loud creaking noise.