Trisha is beginning her junior year of high school with her two best friends Lyla and Zion. Living the teenage dream, she hopes to make the most of her year pursuing her love for music and her studies along side enjoying her life with her big brothe...
"Hey buddy," I said as I spotted my other best friend sitting on one of the bleachers near the court where my brother and his team, not to mention Zayn, we're still playing on. With his brown hair falling over his sweat stained forhead, he was clutching an ice pack to his left ankle which he had sprained. Oh Ze. "Let's get you to the docs so we can fix that ankle of yours."
As Lyla and I went on either side of him to help him up, he raised a hand up in protest, "Woah woah woah woah there ladies, no docs okay, I'm fine. Mr Doctor kinda helped me out so just take me home," he said point to my brother who had spotted us and was now heading our way.
I looked over to see Lyla blushing and turning away pulling her cardigan around her tighter. Wait is she still in her pajamas? Oh yeah remember you kinda dragged her without letting her change? Haha how embarrasing! Who cares, the girl practically lives in her pajamas.
With a sigh I replied, "Fine then. Ly help me out would you," I said nodding to Ze.
As we both put an arm under his, and his arms around our shoulders and helped him up, my brother had just reached us.
"You gonna be alright there Zion?" He asked cooly, trying not to be so obvious.
"Yeah bud, thanks for helping me out man," he replied half saluting him in the process.
"No probs man... hi Ly," he said shyly scratching the back of his neck with a cute smile facing Lyla now.
"H-hey Izzy," she replied, trying to keep the awkwardness out of her voice, while they continuing to stare at each other with love eyes.
Zion turned to me and shared a knowing smile with me well aware of what was going on.
"Yo Patel! Quit drooling over your girlfriend and get back here man!" the annoying voice from a while ago called out to my brother from behind while the other boys around him laughed at his baffled state.
Both Izzy and Ly blushed and looked away from each other. No denying the girlfriend bit I see. He turned to glare at Zayn behind him who just raised an eyebrow at him in return. With a huff, he turned back to us, "Alright, I'll see you guys later. And bunny, come home soon okay? Mom's taking us out for dinner," he said with a happy grin and winking at Lyla. Oh how we loved our food!
"Yes sir!" I said before moving to leave, Zion still holding on to us for support. As we headed out of the court something bumped my head with force causing me to wince and turn around to see I was hit with a basketball.
"Watch your head monkey," Zayn said as he cane up near us to pick up the ball he had thrown at my head. Purposefully might I add.
I opened my mouth to snap back at him when I felt Zion tugging at my shoulder with the arm he had around me, "Not now Trish, I really wanna go home. Don't pay attention to him, he's always in a pissy mood."
I rolled my eyes at him and sighed as I watched Zayn go back to finishing their game.
"Pig," I muttered as we made our way back to the car park.
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