Drama: Self-discovery

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Act One:

Cast of Characters:
• Character One
• Character Two
• Sofia

Scene: Two young-women sit in a bed, facing a mirror. One looks sorrowful, the other one looks composed.
Stage: Everything is dark, except for the bed where the two characters sit, light fully shines upon them.

CHARACTER ONE: Please, not again. Remember what almost happened last month? You started having all of these grim thoughts… and then [voice grows weak], and then… you just wanted to let go.

CHARACTER TWO: For once in my life, I just wished I would stop feeling this way. These confusing, disturbing mood swings are tearing me apart.

CHARACTER ONE: You know why. I know what you want…

CHARACTER TWO: [yells] What I want is to be understood! And everyone refuses to!

CHARACTER ONE: What are you even talking about? Why would you think that? What about your parents? They love and provide for you.

CHARACTER TWO: [laughs] Provide for me? How nice of them to do so! And why wouldn’t they? They feel obligated. They are my parents after all!

CHARACTER ONE: What about your mother? You call her everyday, and you talk to each other.

CHARACTER TWO: Of course I do! Who else would I call? I feel this dark pit inside of me… And I call her because I hope… deep down I hope she will understand how I feel. I just want someone to… [sob]

CHARACTER ONE: Neither of your parents feel obligated. They love you so much.

CHARACTER TWO: Stop! They don’t listen, they don’t even really look at me, they just make their own assumptions. And everytime I try to explain, they hurt me.

CHARACTER ONE: So what you’re telling me is that all you want out of this miserable world is to be understood? Maybe even loved?

CHARACTER TWO: Yes! But… Where will I find a person who will love and fully understand me?

CHARACTER ONE: Easy, right here. [points at the mirror] Look.

CHARACTER TWO: [whispers] Yes....

CHARACTER TWO: Why, I mean, how?

[both characters get up and step out of the stage. In their place appears Sofia, a character who looks exactly the same as them, looking serene, but having tear tracks down her face.]

SOFIA: [sits in the bed and talks to the mirror] It’s indeed so terribly simple, but such a hard step to take. [deep breath] I am the one I’m looking for. I have to explore the expands of my own mind, treat myself the way I wish to be treated, reward my own accomplishments… Life throws so many unexpected curveballs already. But at least, once I am able to find myself everything won’t be so damn confusing.... [light slowly dims and goes out]

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