*14* But mom...

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Gilbert's POV

* The next day *

I wake up and walk into the kitchen seeing my mom sitting at the dining table with a beverage. Her eyes have dark circles underneath as if she hadn't slept in days which begins to concern me.

"Hi, mom. Are you okay?" I ask quietly since Bash is still sleeping.

She jolts up and looks at me shocked, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just couldn't sleep last night."

She smiles at me which I can tell is a fake smile. I know something is definitely wrong with her. I take a seat across from her and grab her hand.

"Mom, can you tell me why you didn't sleep last night? I can tell that something is wrong with you," I say. She looks at me and her eyes begin to form tears.

I go to the kitchen and grab her some tissues. Maybe I pushed her too hard, especially if she already had a rough night.

I sit back down and hand her the tissues, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel upset. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand. I just want to make sure that you're safe."

After I say my last sentence, she begins crying more. She wipes her eyes and cheeks with the tissues and takes a sip of her drink, which I think is tea.

"Its just... I can't tell you right now. I'm not ready to tell you," she says. When she says that, I feel like a piece of me got broken up and crushed into a million pieces. Does she really not trust me?

I look at her and try to contain my emotions, which I succeed at, "But mom..."

I hear her mumble something, but I can't hear her.

"I beg your par-" 

"I need you and your friend to leave, today!" she yells and cries even more. She runs to her room and slams the door. I sit there at the kitchen table in pure shock.

What does she mean? Why today? How is my presence causing her so much pain? 

I go to throw out the tissues that she left on the table and I see a piece of paper in the garbage and an envelope crumpled up. I take it out of the garbage and read the letter.

Love always, Gabriel Fields

I put the paper in my pocket and feel anger building up inside of me. She has to marry this dude! Why is he making my mother send me back to Avonlea? I can't just leave my mother here with this man who clearly isn't right for her. The part that makes me want to throw up is when the letter mentions my mother doing so many 'years of service', which hurts me to think that that's why my mother had to leave my father and I.  

I knock on her door and she opens it. She still has tear tracks on her face, but she has stopped crying. 

"Mom, you need to come home with me," I say firmly. 

She looks shocked at what I said, "No, no I can't. I have to stay here, forever. I can't leave becau-"

"Because Gabriel said so," I finish. 

"How do you know about him?" she asks. I can hear the shakiness in her voice.

I hold out the letter that I found, "It all says it in here. I'll return to Avonlea but only if you come with me. I'm done not having you with me because, for the past 18 years, it's been horrible." 

"He'll kill me, then kill you, if he knows that I have left. He'll find me and kill me because you know. He has people who have been watching me and what has been happening in my life, but I cannot escape his commands," my mom explains. 

I realize how horrible this situation is for my mom. If she doesn't agree to his work, then she'll die. 

"At least tell me where he is?" I say as I begin forming a plan in my mind.

She looks at the ground as if she is ashamed, "25 steep hill street. Gilbert, there's nothing that you or me or Bash can do about it. I don't want you getting hurt." 

I nod my head, but I don't mean it, "I won't get hurt, I promise."


"Now get some rest because you really need some sleep," I say. She laughs and gives me a hug, then closes her door.

I stand outside of her door and think about how I'm going to find this guy. I can't do it now, especially when my mom is still awake...


Hopefully that ending gives you some hints to what Gilbert is going to do! If you enjoyed this chapter please follow me, comment, vote and add this story to your libraries because, honestly, I think that its gonna turn out amazing!

K byeee <3

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