*16* You did WHAT??

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Isabella's POV

I wake up to find breakfast on the kitchen table. That's strange. As I begin to eat the prepared scrambled eggs and toast, Gilbert walks in.

"Good morning, mom," he greets me. I smile every time he calls me mom since its been 18 years. I look at him and see that he has dark circles forming under his eyes.

"Sweetie, did you sleep last night?" I ask.

"Not really. I couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts," he replies. I'm not surprised. That boy's head is filled with millions of thoughts. 

I continue eating, "Well why don't you get some rest. I was going to see your grandmother today."

"Okay," Gilbert replies and walks into his room. Its already 10 am, so I wash the dishes, get changed and head to my mother's apartment.

As I'm walking down the street, I feel like someone is watching me. I look at my surroundings and there are people walking as well. Maybe its just me being paranoid, I mean, since Gabriel entered my life I haven't felt safe. I am aware that I need Gilbert and Bash to leave but a part of me knows that if I let them go, I will never see them again. 

I arrive at the apartment and walk inside.

Bash's POV

I get dressed for the day and fix up my hair. It sounds awfully quiet in Mrs. Blythe's apartment, so I head into the kitchen. All of the lights are off and Gilbert's door is closed. I also notice that Mrs. Blythe's shoes and coat are gone, so she must've gone out for the afternoon. 

I knock on Gilbert's door and hear someone yawning. 

The door opens and a tired Gilbert says, "Hello"

"Blythe, its 12pm, why are you still asleep?" Its unusual for Gilbert to sleep in this late. He's usually up by 8 or earlier.

"Where's my mom?" he asks. 

I shrug, "I assume she left for the afternoon. Maybe went to visit her family."

"That's great," Gilbert walks past me and straight to the window.

"And that is great because..." I ask.

"My mother is being controlled by this man named Gabriel Fields and is being forced to marry him," Gilbert explains, "She hasn't been able to come back home because of him, so I decided to file a report against him. I went to his house in the middle of the night and pretended I was a plumber so I could find evidence."

"Did you find anything?" I ask curiously. 

Gilbert faces me, "Not a lot, but I think its enough. I found a hanger that reads my mother name on it, so I brought it to the detective and he's going to come back with the results soon. Apparently, my mother already filed against him but couldn't get enough proof."

"What happens if she finds out?"

"I'm not so sure. She'll probably be upset at me but if we win against him then she can be free and you and her can come back to Avonlea with me to see where I live-"

"And to see Anne," I finish. Gilbert looks at the ground and nods his head. I laugh, "you'll literally do anything to see her again."

"Yeah," Gilbert replies, "And I know that this plan will work perfectly. We just have to wait for the detective to come back and give us the results."

We decide to make lunch from the leftovers in the fridge. As we're eating, there's a knock at the door. Gilbert goes and answers it.

I only hear a few words from where I'm sitting, stuff like "ok" and "so now what". The rest is muted.

After 10 minutes, Gilbert returns with a few papers.

"So what happened?" I ask. 

"Well they found fingerprints on the clothes hanger that matched perfectly with Gabriel Fields. They're going to interview him and see if he is proven guilty. If he is then my mother will be free from him and can proudly leave this country," Gilbert says. 

"YOU DID WHAT?" Someone screams. Gilbert and I both look to find Isabella... and she does not look happy.


Hello! Sorry that its taking me a while to write this story, I need to have time to do schoolwork and write my other books. The next chapter will probably come out on Sunday, so make sure to add this book to your libraries to get updated!

K byeeeeee <3

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