Chapter 2 - Broken Promises

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current time age - 20)
I went to Eric and Shelly's grave
"Miss you guys...wonder what heavens like"
I said as I put a buquette of yellow flowers on Shelly's grave & a buqutte of red roses on Eric's. There were fresh flowers already there.. Sarah...
I then look up seeing a crow.He started pecking Eric's grave
"Who are you?Night protrol?"
I asked as it started to rain.The crow cawed and I rolled my eyes smiling
"I wonder"
I said going inside where I used to live I walked up to the top floor,I saw the
*Do Not Cross*
paper on Eric's door.I took it off but it hung on the door.I walked in and saw the place was wet and trashed
I said and looked all around,memories coming back to my head of all the crazy shit Eric and I have done.I smiled but I was suddenly super tired
"Im gonna take a quick cat nap"
I said yawning, going into the bedroom where the bed still was...surprisingly dry.I snuggled up to the blankets & felt one tear fall as I fell asleep
(3rd person pov)
it was raining outside and the crow still stood on Eric's grave....then a coffin door comes out of the ground & out comes Eric!
He crawled out, the crow cawed & Eric screamed twitching.Eric pulled himself together and began to walk in a dark allyway as it rained.He wasnt wearing any shoes at all...he stumbeled and fell to the ground trying to remember how to walk again...Eric got up again and took off his jacket,shirt and tie.As Eric walked he saw the crow on the dumpster.He walked to the crow and starred at it in disbelief.Then looked at where the crow was standing infront of in the dumpster.It was Eric's shoes.He pulled them out and slipped them on and watched as the crow flew off.Eric followed it quickly and saw the crow was standing on a ladder hanging from the fire escape on one of the apartments.The crow flew off it and Eric began to climb up it.Eric slipped once but then got to the roof.The crow landed on the roof and cawed.Eric walked to the crow as it sat by the door to the inside of the building.Eric opened the door and the crow flew in.It was dark but Eric followed.The place was trashed everywhere the crow cawed again and stood on the railing of the stair way.Eric saw his room and saw the
sign was torn and the door open ajar.Eric quickly went inside and saw how run down and trashed the place was.Eric came in shivering his ass off.The crow came in and sat apon the red chair that belonged to Eric.Then a white kitty walked up to Eric
Eric whispered picked the kitty up but the cat bit Eric and Eric dropped to his knees
(Eric's pov)
I was alive and back in my room and having flashbacks of how everything happened a year ago
I saw someone knocking at the door and Jessie had been crying while Shelly held her on the couch...they both got up and went to the door but it bursted open
"Department of housing"
Said some guy with a gotee and brown hair.The one that spoke and some other guy with shoulder length brown hair and a mustache and gotee took shelly and held her down while a black guy and a blonde held Jessie down as they both screamed
"Code violations?Saftey hazards?Place looks fine to me"
Said the guy with the go-tee
*back to me*I fell to the floor holding my head as I twitched seeing this horrible sight behold in my mind*another flashback*"Lets redecorate"Said the main guy and as the blonde held down Jessie the black one started to kick books around and destroy the place"Stop it!Please!"Jessie yelled but was only slapped across the face.Shelly was dragged across the floor...Jessie was trying to fight back and bit the blonde to which he only threw her into the wall and I heard a sickening crack.Jessie was gasping for air as they threw things around
"Abash the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is.
*back to eric*
I stood up and crashed into a chair falling on my ass
*back to flahsback*
Saw virtue in her shape,how lovely...its pornography"
Said the guy with the gotee.Jessie was couching up blood as Shelly cried holding onto a chair for support to hold herself up a Little
I banged myself into the door of our bed room but i didnt break anything
Asked the guy with a gotee as he slapped Shelly across the face
"Leave her alone you bastard!"
Jess yelled as she went to tackle him but she was litterally choke slammed.She lost all her breath by doing this
"I want this one...I like fighters"
Said the black one as they tore open Jess' black shirt.She screamed.The guy with the gotee tore open Shelly's shirt and she screamed.Thats when I came in...
"Jessie listen we need to-"
I had stopped seeing Jess coughing up blood and sobbing as Shelly's face was bruised and bloody and crying.The guy with the gotee got ontop of Shelly and kissed her neck as the blonde one got ontop of Jess and groped her roughly.The black one threw a blade hitting me directly in the chest.
"See ya!"
Said the black man.
Jess screamed trying to break free but no use.I saw myself take the blade out as they threw Jessie on the couch and Shelly on the bed and started to rape them both
Jess whined in pure agony and pain.
"Sh-Shelly.....J-Jess...hang on"
I tried to get up but I was in so much pain.Jess was reaching out to me.I tried to reach her with my hand even though she was 10 feet away.The guy with the gotee whisteled and the black one and the guy with shoulder length hair and a mustache and gotee took me and held me up by my arms dragging me across the floor.The blonde and the guy with the gotee both shot me in the back and threw me out the window...I could hear Jessie's faint screams of my name as I died
I swung out the window but came back inside.I crouched down on my knees in pain but then saw that my cuts on my hands were slowly healing.I panted but heard a yelp.I shot my head up and slowly walked to where my room was....I had no idea what to think...I opened the door and saw Jess!She was sobbing...but she was asleep...maybe she just had the visions I just had
" said you wouldnt leave me ever"
She mumbeled. My heart sunk as I remembered those exact words to her in 12th grade
Jess had just got beaten to a pulp by her parents again & I was litterally carrying her bloodied up face and body to my apartment
"Why'd you save me Eric?You should of let me body would give a-"
"Dont you dare say that ever!I care about you Jess!You'd bring me so much pain if you killed yourself...I want you to live with me. This is the last straw I cant keep letting you go back there and getting hurt again.You're staying with me"
I said finally
"Eric...I dont want to be a burden..."
Jess said crying
"Dont think like that you're not a burden.Jess I will never leave you will always have me by your side ok? No matter what"
I said to her
"Even in death?"
She asked looking up at me with her left black eye
"Yeah...even in death babe"
I said smiling down at her.She smiled and fell asleep in my arms
*end flashback*
"Oh Jess....I broke my promise...Im so sorry"
I whispered crawling to her.

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