Author's note: I've added a picture of the layout of the living room here ^.
Jimin's P.O.V.
By the time that we had all congregated in Shiro and her brother's room, we were all banished to the living room. As we waited for them to arrive, I looked at my friends and took in their current appearances:
Tae looked dishevelled yet happy?
Namjoon looked frustrated with a confused Jin, who just happened to walk in the dorm with an equally confused Hobi.
And Yoongi....yeah. He was pissed....and only in a towel."For fuck's sake Yoongs. Didn't you have time to put some bloody clothes on?!" I exclaimed to him gesturing at his attire.
"I would have done if everyone hadn't interrupted my shower!" He shouted back at me, flashing his black eyes at me and causing everyone to flinch. Except me of course. Just as he was about to leave the room to get dressed, Shiro entered the room and shut the door, meaning that none of us could leave.
The way she stood indicated that she wasn't in a very good mood. As we sat in the stone cold silence, I took this chance to take in more of her appearance as she wore a surprisingly large over-worn hoodie with dark leggings and blue converses.
'She looks around the same height as me, if not a bit shorter.' I thought to myself as she looked at the six of us with death stares."Do any of you have any idea what you guys just did?!" Shiro exclaimed, breaking the silence.
"Umm, we didn-"
"Quiet!" She interrupted Jin and Hobi, causing them to flinch and hide further into the one of the sofas whilst she glared at them. My God. She's scary when she's angry.
"Why did you all have to scare my fucking brother?! Didn't any of you think to take into consideration that he may have anxieties because he's a hybrid?!" She shouted at us, not realising she had just shocked the lot of us."Her brother's a hybrid?!" Taehyung asked timidly through our telepathic bond.
"I didn't know that" Jin added.
"Neither did I." Me, Yoongi and Hoseok said simultaneously as we all looked at Namjoon, who looked scared.
"You knew he was a hybrid?" I questioned him as he slowly went pale.
"No I didn't! I was just as much in the dark as you were!" He responded defensively as we all turned back to the girl standing in the middle of the room, who looked distracted by something outside.
"Sorry Kookie, didn't mean to scare you. It's alright. They won't hurt you, will you?" She told her brother while giving us icy glares. We all nodded quickly as a response. Shiro then walked to the door and brought her brother in, leaving us all in shock.Shiro's P.O.V.
After I was satisfied with their response, I went over to the door and ushered my brother into the room. When he entered, I noticed that all the boys were still in shock. I looked over to Jungkook, who still looked scared at the array of new faces. I squeezed his hand to let him know that it was okay.
"Now. I called all of you in here because not only do I want all of you to apologise to my brother, I want all of us to get to know each other, considering that we will all be going to the same school and are living together from now on." I explained as I led Kookie to two armchairs situated infront of the large sofa.Namjoon got up and gestured for the others to stand up as well, much to the dismay of the black haired boy still wrapped in a towel.
"On behalf of all of us here in dorm BTS, we are very sorry to the both of you for causing so much trouble on your first day here." Namjoon apologised and the six boys bowed apologetically.
"We are very sorry." They all said. I looked over to Kookie who seemed to be alright with the apology.
"That's okay. You are forgiven. Just don't let it happen again." I threatened once they all sat down and nodded. I looked at the black haired boy and gestured to the open door.
"May I say that I am sorry for interrupting your shower. Now go and get dressed and make sure to come back here will you?" I told him as he slowly walked out of the room, giving me a death glare and went to get dressed. We sat in silence for a while before Towel boy came back dressed in dark clothing and sat back down.

Friends with the Supernatural (A BTS Fanfiction)
FanfictionWARNING!: This story may contain strong language, violence and possibly mature themes. 7 years ago...After an accident which ended up with her entire family dead, Shiron "Shiro" is taken into custody and adopted by her family's next door neighbours...