Part 28 - Unforgetable

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Taehyung POV


I had been under my covers since Friday. I wasn't in the mood to wake up and face the day. After all, Saturday is a lazy day.

I got a text from Namjoon telling me to meet him at the practise room for rehearsals. I knew if I missed this one I'd be in trouble since we have a performance coming up.

I jumped up from bed and rolled out hoping I'd be better after meeting up with the other members. I got changed and wore comfortable clothes since I didn't really care about what I wore with the members.

I knocked on the door waiting for a response. The studio was basically a place with music equipment as well as facilitated with a kitchen and dining rooms. It wasn't long until the door opened.

"Taehyung-ah. Just on time, I made food!" Jin said excitingly. I just stared at him weirdly and walked in. Jin was always cooking but he was always too excited about it.

Everything was set up. It was always fun recording with the members especially when it was our own written song.

"Guys. We need a song to perform at the opening event. As we represent the school we have to make sure we do our best." Namjoon said. Of course, he's the leader. What he says goes.

"So what do you want us to do?" Jungkook asked while eating banana kicks.

"Write a song. It can be anything you want as long as we all agree to it. I trust you'll be able to do it." Namjoon said while grinning as his dimples poked out.

"Can we just perform a previous song? I mean the show is 2 weeks away." Jhope asked. He always liked performing since he had so much energy.

"Yes but I think it would be best to maybe try something new," Namjoon replied.

"Anyway, we're already performing previous songs but ending on a new one." Suga Hyung replied as he put his headphones on and worked on tracks on the computer.

I listen to the discussion by everyone while thinking about what I would write. Hmm. I don't know yet but I guess it'll come to me eventually even though I'm not good at writing songs.I went to go grab a bottle of water from the kitchen until I walked past Jimin who was talking with Jin. He noticed me staring and I glared at him annoyed.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a fresh bottle of water until I was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey. Can we talk for a sec?" Jimin said. I rolled my eyes and decided to listen to what he had to say. I was curious as to what he wanted to say, even though I had a feeling I already knew what it was about.

"What do you want to say?" I said coldly while still keeping the same glare at him.

"Well, you know how I like Raehee. Did that bother you?" Jimin looked at me and sighed. If only you knew Jimin. 

"No. Why would it?" I said to him keeping a poker face on myself. It really did bother me but I can't let anyone know about it especially since the other members were so happy about it.

"Well, I just kinda needed some help telling her. Would you mind helping me?" He said smiling slightly. I scoffed at what he just said.

"Just because you like Raehee doesn't mean I'll help. Just do whatever. I don't care." I walked away from Jimin brushing past his shoulder as he stared at me in fear. He is my best friend, but I can't bear knowing my best friend likes Raehee.

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