Part 42 - Hold me tight (Part 1)

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Taehyung POV


Today was the day. I was nervous. I had told Namjoon about this during rehearsals and he was happy that I wanted to perform my own song.I had finished the song and honestly, I couldn't believe I could write something like this but I guess today I sing it in front of everyone. 

Jungkook and I had been talking a lot the past few days. About me trying to speak to Raehee but I guess it's harder than it seems. Especially since I got into that fight with Jimin; she's been avoiding me a lot more since then.

Jungkook told me about his theory:

"Hyung. I think she loves you and that's why she doesn't hurt, as she is happy with you. It's only when she lies about her feelings for you, it hurts her."

I mean the risk I would be taking if I tried to confess again. I didn't realise but, at the time of confession, she felt dizzy. Knowing the things she's gone though I know it's because of me. Maybe we were both being insincere about our feelings? All I know is I'm not taking a chance on her.

I just hope I can get over her. Maybe today, I will...

Raehee POV

I walked into school still getting a bunch of stares ever since:

1. Hanging out with BTS
2. Mina and her stupid friends.

I mean I'm used to it. I have Eunah and Jimin anyway. We all met up at the staircase and talked for a while. We had built a solid friendship so I trusted them the most. Well with most things. There are things I haven't told them about me and I don't think I ever will.

"How come you weren't in for like the most of last week?" Jimin asked as he waved at me.

"Well, it was only 3 days," I said pulling back and tightening my ponytail.

"But still it was a lot of days. You know you have a lot of work to catch up on." Eunah said as she looked in her time table.

"Yeah, I know. I was just sick..." I lied. I couldn't tell them about my dad and me working to get money.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said smiling as much as I could. It hurts that I have to lie to them but can't open up. They always tell me everything so I feel like I'm on the receiving end of the friendship.

"I have to go prepare for our performance. You guys better come." Jimin said excitingly.

"Yeah, we will. You can count on it." Eunah said and high fives him and we watched him run down the hall. Me and Eunah decided to walk down the corridors. Until she turned to me and took a deep breath. I halted and looked at her trying to figure out what was up.

"I need to tell you something." She said. Eunah looked quite serious so I was slightly nervous for what she was going to say.

"What's up?" I asked trying to stay calm even though the tension was killing me.

"Well, Jimin likes a girl. I know who it is and I just want advice." My mouth lightly gazed open in shock. No words left my mouth but I could tell she was extremely upset about it.

"I'm sorry Eunah. If I had known I would have tried to help." I said. I gave her a hug and she hugged back tighter.

"No. It's not like anyone could do anything about his feelings. I just wanted to know what you should think I should do. Should I continue trying or give him up to the girl he likes?" I thought about it for a moment and took a deep breath.

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