Part 11 - Exhale and Take A Brake.

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Eunah POV

(Back in Eunahs house while Taehyung and Raehee are at the arcade)

I came up to my room to see Jimin looking at my wall.  I completely forgot about the photos. I kept them up as they reminded me of our past but the good memories. Well we're only here for the homework so let's get this over with.I sat down at my desk and we awkwardly sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So, you still keep pictures of us?"

"I mean I guess so..." I said mumbling at the last few words.

"What happened?" He suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What happened to us? We were close and then one day you just decide you don't want to hang around me anymore. I don't understand. Did I do something wrong? Did I make a mistake?"I was completely frozen at what he had just said. I didn't know whether I should tell him. I was in shock. I took a breathe and decided to tell him what happened.

"It was on a day you said you were hanging out with the guys. I went over to your house to return your jumper. So I used your spare key to go inside. You're light was on but you were with someone else and we're... and we're..."My voice started to break and I didn't realise the tears that were falling down my face. I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Shh... it's okay. Don't cry. Please. I hate seeing you like this. I don't need to hear the rest of it. I'm sorry." He pulled me into his chest and I cried quietly into it. I calmed myself down

"No, it's not your fault. It was me for overreacting. I just hated the fact you didn't tell me." I said telling only half the truth. I wanted to say I loved him at that time, but it seemed like it wasn't the right moment.

"Hey, let's get some fresh air before finishing off the homework. It seems like you need some time off for a bit."

"Yeah, I guess I should." We both stood up and ran down the stairs, out the front door. We decided to walk around the street. It was mostly a quiet walk until he asked me something.

"Hey, umm I kinda eavesdropped on a conversation you and Raehee were having yesterday in our tutor room. I saw you crying and I was wondering if that was because of me.."

"It's not because of you, it was me. It's because I was just stupid to start that argument in the past and it all came back to me. I didn't want to end our friendship but I was angry at you because you lied. You said you were hanging with the guys that night." I said. I exhaled a sigh. It felt good to let him know that.

"You know, it's not too late to start again. I'll be completely honest." He said with serious eyes.
"Hi, my name is Park Jimin." He said jokingly while putting his hand out for a handshake.

I chuckled a little and gave my hand in return. "Hi, my name is Lee Eunah."

"Nice to meet you." He replied.

We continued our walk and talked about our past and in less than a few minutes we were back to being friends. Which I'm more than happy about. As we walked I noticed there was a bakery down the road and I was feeling pretty hungry.

"Hey wait here for me. I'm gonna go grab some food."

"Oh okay," he said in reply

And off I went to get myself a croissant...

Jimin POV

Waiting across the street

I was waiting for Eunah to return. I saw her walk out of the shop and cross the road to get to me. All the cars stopped and she crossed while waving at me. I waved back by noticed a car speeding down the road.

I was about to tell her to move out of the way, but it was too late. The car braked too late and Eunah was hit with her body laying there cold on the floor. I ran over as fast as I could and held her in my arms.

People started calling the ambulance and I tried my best stop the blood. Please don't go like this. You're strong I know you are.

In about a few minutes the ambulance had arrived and had asked me to come along since I knew her. I grabbed my phone while out of breath and called Raehee.

~Calling Raehee~

She finally picked up.

"Hey. What's up?" She said.

"Eunah..." I said out of breath.

"What about her?" Raehee asked curiously.

"She's in hospital."

AN: SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER. Umm.. this is just giving a filler of how Eunah got in The accident. I've decided to PST once a week. I will publish every Tuesday 5:00 pm GMT(UK time)
Starting from next week.

I'll try make chapters longer or do more than one chapter. If I'm not busy then I'll do early chapter releases.

Lots of Love and Purple Hearts 💜💜💜


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