Chapter 7: Insecurity

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Roman's POV:

After she told me what all she has gone through, which I knew the just of, thanks to Tom, I just wasn't prepared to hear details. All I wanted to do was pull her into a hug. Yet, I like my bones not broken, and my head attached to my shoulders.

"You said shooting, didn't you?"

"Yes....." I could see her nervous at this point. Shocked, I think.

"What do you shoot?" I'm thinking maybe small handguns.

"What do I shoot, or what do I own?" She asked, which peaked my interest.

"Both?" I did not expect that from her.

"Well, I own a .40, 9mm, two 12 gauges, a couple rifles. However, I like to shoot whatever I can get my hands on." As she spoke, I think I just fell in love.

"You okay Roman? I think you are drooling." Her words made me blush. Wait, I don't blush.

"Would you go shooting with me?" I had to ask her.

"Where and when, I'm always up to go shooting." She was quick and eager to answer.

"Now? I have a private shooting area." I know I'm pressing my luck.

"Yes, only if I can change and do some hand to hand combat with you afterwards. Talking about my past has me all mixed up, and I need to relieve some stress."

Utter shock. Now she wants to fight me? Wait, that means I get to touch her!

We got up, and walked to the car, with a little smirk on my face. I opened and shut her car door. When I got in the car and headed for her house, I guess she read my mind.

"Whoa there cowboy. I said hand to hand combat, not wrastling!" She snapped at me.

"Wrastling, what's wrastling?" I gave her a weird look.

"Oh honey, bless your heart! I will have you so confused with all my southern sayings! It's a sexual form of wrestling." She laughed in a southern drawl.

"Wait, you have an accent? Will I not confuse you with my Italian?"

She starts giggling, I love her giggle. "Of course I do sweetheart! I just know how to hide it well. Also, I understand a little Italian, Spanish, French, and then I'm almost fluent in sign language." She just made me choke of my wine.

"So, wait you are telling me that you understand Italian?"

"No, I know some phrases, and then I know French more so, Spanish even more, and the Sign Language is my second language."

I was in shock. I didn't know what to say.

"I was in ballet most of my growing up. I had instructors who were French, Italian, and Russian. Ballet is all in french terms. My primary instructor made us learn what the terms meant in English. So I don't understand French grammar, but I can pick up enough to understand." I guess she saw my confusion.

"What about Spanish?" It was the only one she didn't say.

"That's is what I tried learning first as my second language. I understand way more than I speak. Well, I understand Spaniards. Mexicans or Guatemalans and I'll only pick up every fifth word, unless they speak slowly."

This woman is amazing. She is educated. Well spoken. So strong.

"So do you know what Mia Cara means?"

"My Darling" she responds, and great she knows I've been calling her My Darling.

"Bella?" "Beautiful" she smiles.

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