Chapter 32

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Roman's POV:

I had gotten a text message from Tom last night. He told me to get the exterminator over, cause we might have bugs. I knew what he meant, but wondered why he was telling me. I sent the text calling for a bug sweep.

"Sir, we found some in the office, and ballroom. In the halls, and even the bathrooms." I rolled my eyes, and groaned at my guys words.

"Did you get rid of them?" He nodded, and I waved him out. I heard my office door open and close again. I was facing away from it.

"Roman, why is their people searching in my bedroom?" My sweet Diamond's voice.

"We are checking for bug my love. Already found some, but not finished yet." I sighed.

"I was right then, not just paranoid." Her words surprised me, I turned to look at her.

"You thought we had bugs? That's why Tom told me to call an exterminator?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I thought your cousin Dante had them. Nope never mind. We will talk about this later." She turned and almost ran out of my office. I'm so confused. Why would Dante plant bugs, is he trying to find something wrong with me again?

I went to find Dia, I needed to know what she knew. My head has been spinning for the last 20 minutes. She wouldn't be working with Dante, but how did she know.

"Dia, can we talk about earlier?" She was sitting on her bed, writing. She motions for me to come in.

She starts signing to me.

"Do you sign?"


"I get feelings."


"Dante, I knew he put bugs in the house. It was a feeling. He has something planned. It's bad. We need plan."

I nodded to her.

"We can talk, the house is clean."

"No, still feel watched. Talk somewhere else."

I nod to her. She walks to me. She bounces between shy and timid, to bold and daring. Right now, she was shy, timid, unsure.

We walked out the front door, and to the car. She got in the driver seat, she never drives.

"I have major paranoia. Sorry. I'm probably just being paranoid. Can we go for a drive and let me clear my head?" Her voice was shy, scared. I just nodded.

Is she really just paranoid? Or is she saying that because she is afraid someone is listening. Why does this bother me so much. I had been so lost in thought that I did't realize we had driven for 30 minutes. Diamond had stopped at some cliff. The view was amazing.

"Roman, let get out and talk." I nodded, she clicked out on the radio before talking.

"What's wrong Mia cara? You are acting strange." She had this confused look on her face.

"I am just going to spit this out, before I let my fear get the best of me." She was scaring me. What if she didn't want me anymore. What if she wanted to go back home.

"Roman, I love you. I'm not going anyway." It was like she read my mind again.

"Ok, so I get feelings, Its basically the feeling of paranoia, but when then something bad pops in my head, and I get this knot in my stomach. It's hard to explain, but almost every single time it is right." I nod for her to keep going. She walks over and sits at the edge of the cliff.

"I have this bad feeling about Dante. It revolves around him overthrowing you as Don, by way of killing us, and taking our child."

"That makes sense. Is that why you have been so nervous, and edgy?" She just nods.

"I want to not tell anyone we have to have a surrogate. Then have her at a safe house for the pregnancy." I had sat down beside her, and put an arm around her waist. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"We will do that Mia cara." I kissed the top of her head.

Diamond's POV:

Roman and I sat on the overlook, with music from the radio playing. I felt better telling him about my feelings, and the ones about Dante. I don't know if he believed me.

"Dia?" Roman broke our silence while watching the sunset.

"Hmm?" I hummed back.

"Would you?" Roman seemed unsure of something. I picked my head up and looked at him. I gave him a pleading look.

"Would you go to a bar with me, and teach me how to let loose?" I almost burst out laughing, okay so I did burst out laughing.

"Yes! Of course. You can see the old me, well party girl me." I was smiling like an idiot.

"There is a problem though, we have to go out of state. Most everyone knows my face here." Roman looked disappointed.

"Okay, this is a long shot, but want to go to my hometown? We have a country/rock'n roll bar there. I know most everyone there, but they won't know you!" I was excited. I normally hate going to bars, drinking, and the such, but doing with Roman had me all excited.

"That sounds perfect! Want to see if Daniel wants to go?" It was like Roman read my mind!

"Let's get out of here and pack?" I gave Roman a confused look.

"When are we going Roman?"

"We fly out tomorrow." He winked at me.

"Did you have this planned?! You just asked me to make it my idea!" I stood up and put my hands on my hips, cocked an eyebrow, and a hip at him.

"That would be ridiculous, but if I had our bags would be packed when we got home. Daniel would be there too!" Roman jumped up and threw me over his shoulder. I was giggling, so was he.

"Now, shall we go see if our bags are packed and Daniel is there."


Roman slapped my ass.


"What? I can't spank fiance?" His voice was playful, ornery.

All the way home Roman would poke my side and make me squeak. He discovered that if he caught me off guard, and poked my side. I squeaked, like a squeak toy. He loved it, and I hate it, even though I laugh along with it.

Daniel was at our front door, and our bags were packed. Roman had planned everything.

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