Chapter 33: Diamond gets drunk

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Roman's POV:

We took my private jet and flew into the small airport in her hometown. I booked us all rooms, Dia and I together of course. She had gone through my clothes and just shook her head. She got my sizes, and took Alex to run to the mall. I tried to go with her, but she just protested. She promised I wouldn't be unhappy with the outcome. I wasn't jealous of Alex and her anymore, if anything they had come to be more like best friends or brother and sister. I heard a knock at my door, only to find Daniel.

"Dia ran out to get me an outfit, she claimed I brought nothing that will do."

Daniel laughed and shook his head.

"She has you so whipped it isn't even funny." He shot my a sly grin.

"Of course, she always has been that way. She can wrap any man around her finger." He rubbed his chin, and gave me that look. It was the look of 'if you know what I mean.'

"I haven't made love to, fucked, had sex with, down and dirty with her or however you say it. We are waiting until our wedding night." I almost growled at him.

"Damn, okay. I was just messing with you. She lived with her last husband for two years before they got married. I know they didn't wait." He shot me an apologetic look.

"From what I've heard he wouldn't have been okay with waiting. I know she loved him, but after what he did, I hold no sense of duty to him."

"Can I come in and explain?" I just nodded to him.

"Aaron loved her. He was head over heels in love with her. What is ex wife did to him, literally broke him in two. Kitten-" I gave him a weird look.

"Kitten is her road name, cause she looks so cute and innocent, but will claw your eyes out for getting too close." I chuckled.

"Kitten loved Aaron, she only tolerates the other side of him. She actually broke up with him, and kicked him out of the house, once. She was so paranoid that the alter ego side of him would break down her door, she slept with all her weapons and checked the doors were locked three times each. She loved him, and he got counseling, well started to. He never really did, they couldn't afford it. He would have given the stars and moon for her, but his alter ego only wanted to break her, like his ex wife had broken him. He couldn't break her heart and leave her, so he stayed. The day she found him in bed with the woman. She just wanted Aaron, the real Aaron to hold her."

"Even though she literally caught him in bed with another woman?" He just nodded.

"She is loyal, compassionate, kind, she loves with her whole heart. If you hurt her, they will not find your body." He gave me a death glare.

"I'm back! Pres, please tell me you two aren't talking about me?" Dia came in the room.

"Now why on earth would we be talking about you, Kitten?"

"Daniel Derek Murphy! How dare you tell him my road name. Please don't tell me you told him about my sneezes!" Daniel starts laughing.

"Nope, but you just did." All of a sudden Dia starts sneezing. They sound like cute kitten sneezes. She sneezed about 10 times.

"There is the Kitten." I wink at her. She just flips us off.

"I got you a black v-neck, dark denim jeans, and the shoes you have will do. There are only two rules, well three rules for tonight." I raise an eyebrow.

"One, do not leave your drink unattended, if you do, get a new one. Two, if I am gone for more than five minutes, find me immediately. Three, don't try to out drink me, I'll win." She winks at the last part.

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