Chapter 37: The Wedding! part 2

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Roman's POV:

After breakfast I went to my office. I had paperwork to fill out. I had gotten Dia the shoes, but her wedding gift still hadn't come in. Astro had passed away while she was kidnapped. She was devastated to say the least. He was her secret holder, her safe place, her comfort. She hasn't been sleeping well without him. Her panic attacks are more often, and her nightmares for detailed. She won't talk about it, or him. It's like he didn't exist.

I will catch her silently crying sometimes, but she won't say it's about him. I debated over getting her a puppy or a kitten. Then I talked to Daniel and Alex. Alex was clueless and unhelpful. Daniel informed me she always wanted a fox. She was obsessed with the creatures, and claims they are a cross between a cat and a dog in personality.

It hurts knowing Dia won't talk to me. I know I can't save her from herself. She is a strong independent woman. She uses a punching bag, and sparring as therapy. She won't talk it out, and claims talking won't do any good, because it's just words.

"Hey, the gift has arrived." Alex pops his head in. It's amazing that I have so many guards and men, yet Alex is who is always there. He is more like my right hand man that Antonio is. Although, Antonio is always away on my business out of town. I don't even think Dia has met him.

"Boss? You got to see this little fur ball." Alex walks in holding a tiny white ball of fur. I got her a snow fox. It's all white. I got her what they call a kit, it's a baby fox. It's already house broken and weaned, but still tiny.

"Did everything else for it come in?" Alex nods, still petting the furball.

"Roman?" I hear a man's voice but don't recognize it. I tell him to come in, Alex covers the fox, with his jacket.

I recognize the man as her grandpa. I stand up and shake his hand.

"My granddaughter is very precious to me. I hope you plan on treating her right." I nod.

"What do you have there?" He looks to Alex. Alex looks at me and I nod.

"I got her this as her wedding gift. Since Astro died, she hasn't been the same." He takes the fox out of Alex's hands, and looks at it.

"She will love it. She has talked to her momma, and her mawmaw about considering getting another pet, but didn't know for sure." He informs me.

"An artic fox, huh? She kept asking me to bring her a fox kit, if I ever found one abandoned." I smiled, and nodded. I was glad to hear she has talked to her family about Astro. I know it's really hard on her.

"Well here, it needs to bond with both of you. That way it knows who you are too." He hands me the fluffball.

"Be good to her. I taught her how to shoot. Although, i think she can out shoot me now." He smiles and winks. He leaves. I look at Alex, the fox wakes up finally. It starts laughing, or what sounds like laughing.

Alex had taken the fox, and kept it hidden from Dia. He said he had a workout with her planned. I watched on the cameras. She is so graceful, and agile on her feet. Alex is not. He is trying to copy her, but can't.

It was time to get ready. I headed to the venue, we had it at a hotel, where everyone can stay afterwards. I have the entire hotel booked, although Dia doesn't know that. The ballroom is setup in the colors she wanted. She nearly gave me and Frank a heart attack when she said skulls for center pieces. They look perfect though. It's definitely a Halloween wedding. I never thought I would like this, but she has changed me, and I love it.

"Hey brother! Long time no see!" Antonio slaps my back. I was so lost in the decorations I didn't hear him walk up.

"Man, I never thought I would see the day you got married. Much less your wedding be decorated like this." He whistles.

Antonio has grown up with me. His father was my fathers right hand man, and he became mine, as well as my best friend. He is slightly shorter than me, with Black hair and piercing blue eyes. Women swarm him, and he loves it. He is the epitome of a player. I have never cared for the women swarming me, and tend to stay away from public as much as possible. That's why I send Antonio on trips as much as possible.

"I know, Dia has certainly changed me. I figured I would be a bachelor my whole life. I liked it like that. The moment I met Dia, that changed." I sighed out.

"I know, she pinned you against a wall. You told me. Yet, I don't believe she is real. I haven't met her. Maybe she is just a figment of your imagination." He winked at me, with a mischievous grin.

Antonio has always been the one to get us in trouble. While I was the more serious, and cold person. Antonio was laid back, easy going, and always stirring up trouble.

"Listen, it's time to get dressed. The ladies will be here soon. As much as I want to steal a look at your bride, you can't see her in her dress. Yet anyways." I nod to him. His words were playful, but serious.

We got dressed, and I felt nervous.

"I just hope everything goes okay. What if she decides she doesn't want me? What if she decides she doesn't want to get married a fourth time. I know she doesn't want saved, or anything, but still. I want to-" I stop, because Antonio looks shocked.

"Okay" he takes a deep breath.

"Man, I have never seen you like this. She has stayed this long, she has to love you. It's going to be fine." He pats my back. I nod. He is trying to reassure me.

"I'll go check to see if she is here. That make you feel better?" I nod, and calm my breathing.

"I'm the Don of the family. Why am I acting like a girl! Calm down. She wants you, she loves you." I tell myself in the mirror. I'm in my tuxedo. Antonio walks back in.

"Roman, you told me she was pretty, you didn't tell me she was breathtakingly gorgeous!" Antonio exclaims.

"So, she is here?" I almost whisper. Still nervous.

"Unless there is another woman in a white dress, with tattoos." He smirks. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Come on, time to take our places." Antonion motions, then heads out.

Standing up at our alter, well in front of the priest. Our wedding is outdoors. I'm still nervous. I see Isa walk in and she is gorgeous in her black dress. Then I see her. I see my beautiful bride. She is gorgeous in her dress. I can't but smile. I am marrying her! Wait, why isn't she smiling. She looks wobbly on her feet. I hear whispers and gasps.

Dia's eyes are wide, she looks like she is struggling breathing. I start to panic, she starts to go limp, and Tom catches her.

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