Chapter 8: The fight

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Roman's POV:

After changing, I hurry out of my room. I'm wearing workout shorts, and a tshirt. I find Diamond walking down the same hall, looking at my family portraits.

"That's my family. That's me growing up." She jumped at my words. She was lost in thought. She smiles, a hurt smile. As much as she tries to hide her emotions, when you get to know her, everything she feels comes across her face.

"Ready to spar?" She asks. I offer my hand, and she eagerly takes it. It makes me so happy she is letting me hold her hand. She is trusting me. I lead her through the maze of hallways and doors, I call home.

"Finally!" She yelled. We reached my gym. I helped her into my boxing ring. She started warming up. So did I. I knew my second in command was watching on the CCTV from my office. He had texted me and asked if I was really sparing her, or if I offered to teach her some things. I just laughed and shook my head at the camera.

"Ready?" She asked me.

"No gloves? No tape?" I asked, looking at her hands.

"Nope, well, actually do you have any resin or chalk? My hands are clammy." She finishes her statement a little shyly. I hand her the resin, and look at the camera, and smirk.

"Okay, I'm ready." She says

"So am I, I'm expecting you now. So you won't surprise me." I shoot her a smile and a wink. I start circling around her. She just stays in her spot, but following me walking around her. I switch to my opposite side stance. She switched as well. Then she stops, and stand straight. I watch close her eyes and take a deep breath. She just stands there.

"Diamond, are you okay?" I ask, but not letting my guard down.

"I'm fine, just keep going." She is cold, calm, collected. It's a scary turn on. I see my second in the door way, with a few guards behind him. I stop moving to see if he needs me. Suddenly I see Diamond move, I see her drop down and swipe her leg out. She knocks me completely off my feet. Before I have time to recover, she is back on her feet. In the same position. Eyes closed.

I kick my self up, and take my shirt off. I'm hoping that when she opens her eyes, it catches her off guard. I'm at her back now. I decide to put her in a sleeper hold. I go to lunge for her my arm out stretched out. She grabs ahold of my arm shifts her feet and flips me. I realize she now has me in an armbar.  I struggle against her, but she just pushes her hips more. I try just curling her up, but she is stronger than she looks. I stand up with her. She let's go with her upper body and swings with her legs on my arm, somehow she managed to get her arms around my neck and put me in a sleeper hold.

"Don't hold back Mio Caro." She whispers in my ear. I would have moaned, except she was crushing my windpipe. I saw red. I don't know what happened. But suddenly she was in front of me.

"Now we are getting somewhere. Did I make you see red?" She mocked me. Alright serious time.

I go to throw a right hook, but she dodges. Then a quick left right combo. She jumps back, and I miss her completely.

"Come on Babe, why are you toying with me." Call out to her. Her eyes are still closed.

"Because you don't have on a shirt. " she talked through gritted teeth. She was angry I didn't have on a shirt?

"Babygirl, don't be like that." I call out in a sing song voice.

Suddenly I see her fists clench and she starts shaking. She takes to long, almost leaps toward me, her last she has jumped up so her fist is coming down on my face, with her punch, she opens her eyes. I can see rage, anger, hurt in her eyes. She is on top of me. Throwing punches at my face. I put my arms up to block her.

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