Author's Note

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Please, please read this!

If you decided to read this. I have two things to say.

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Yes, I mean you. The person who is reading this. The person who thinks they are worthless, dirty, useless. The person who thinks no one could possibly understand. The person who uses reading to get away from the pain. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, OR USELESS, DIRTY, WORTHLESS. I care. I care about you. Yeah, sure I don't know you, okay. You are scared, feel alone. There is no one to turn to, no one would believe you. There is no possible way out of it. It's your fault right? You let this happen, right? WRONG! You have heard it all before, right? Well let me tell you something. I've been there, worked through it, lived, and I'm still kicking and sarcastic. Message me, if you don't believe that I care, then so be it. Take a chance, it's just a message. What harm could it do? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Wait, don't answer that, your brain is coming up with the most outrageous ridiculous worst outcomes. So, what's the best that could happen. Nope, stop that. Don't 'yeah, right, whatever, like you could help me' me! How could I possibly know what you are thinking? Cause I was you, hint hint, I'm Diamond (I just don't kill people, and Aaron is my loving boyfriend, but his name isn't Aaron!).

For those of you, who have no idea what was just happening in that one sided conversation of mine. I was talking to the victims who are stuck in an abusive relationship. If you suspect someone of being abused, reach out, be sincere. Don't be fooled when they turn it down, make a joke of it, or blame themselves. Continue to care, to reach out, to be supportive.

2. There is no possible way I have copied someone elses work. The characters are based on real life people, in my life, including Roman, Roman's family, and Alex. They are all either a real person, or a combination of two people. The situations, and Diamond's past are either based upon true events or nightmares from me, personally. Please do not copy this for your own. This is my life, nightmares, fears, hopes, and joys in this book. If you take it and copy it. Lord have mercy on your soul.

Now, please enjoy

Roman and Diamond are getting married! Let's hope....

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