25. Nick

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A couple hours later, Nick has lost count of how many beers he's consumed, and he sees the twins' empty tequila bottle on the ground next to the spot that's apparently been designated as the dance floor.

Someone's playing music from their car, and it's starting to get really fucking annoying. He doesn't know if it's Taylor Gomez or Selena Swift, But whatever it is, it sucks and it's too damn loud. He has to scream to be heard and hasn't understood shit that anyone has said to him all night. Bailey does seem to be enjoying dancing though, so he stops himself from throwing a shit fit about it.

There's about ten to fifteen people swaying drunkenly to the music, but Ian and Bailey have stolen the spot light, per usual. Ian's on the damn ground doing the worm while Bailey's performing the worst version of the robot he's ever seen. He loves seeing them like this. Although they bicker and complain about each other constantly, it's times like these that he can really tell how close they are.

What the fuck? Tequila makes him sappy as shit, apparently.

Amanda stumbles up to the dancers and grabs Ian's hand. She whispers something into his ear that pulls his attention away from Bailey, then they head off to their tent. Well, Nick probably won't be seeing him again tonight.

Bailey watches them go, disappointed, and Nick has a sudden urge to grab Ian by the shoulders and drag him back to the dance floor just to stop her from looking sad.

She scans the party and spots Nick. He is just now realizing that he's been sitting alone and staring at Bailey for the past ten minutes. He probably looks like a fucking stalker. But instead of averting his eyes like he normally would, he watches her as she walks away from the other dancers and toward him. He quickly throws out the cigarette he bummed before she reaches him. It was only half smoked, but he knows she doesn't like the smell of it.

She plops down next to him, "So, Robinson, are you having fun?"

He decides to not give her shit about sitting on one of the couches that she swore to stay away from. She has to be pretty drunk since she doesn't seem to care. "I am. You?"

"Yeah. But I wish you would talk to me," she rests her head on his shoulder and curls herself into him. He looks around the party to see if anyone sees her, but everyone is drunk and no one is paying any attention to them.

"What do you mean? I talk to you."

She shakes her head and sits up to look at him. "No. No you don't. Not really. The only time you let your guard down is when your hands are down my pants."

Nick's eyes feel like their going to pop out of their sockets as he looks to make sure no one heard her, but everyone is still minding their own business. He doesn't think he's ever seen her this drunk. A half bottle of José will do that.

"Damn, Bailey, keep it down," he says, but smiles so she knows he's not really mad. It's not hard to smile right now anyway. He's downright cheerful that she's sitting with him, her body still curled into his.

She puts her hand over her mouth, "Oh shit. My bad." She starts giggling and rests her head back on his shoulder, settling in. "I need to tell you something."

Given her current state, this should be interesting. "Go on."

She lifts her head back up—damn, she cannot sit still—and places both hands on either side of his face. "I am so...so..." she pauses and licks her lips, hesitating. "...thirsty."

Nick laughs. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know." He knows that's not all she wanted to say but decides to give her time.

She sighs. "You're welcome."

They sit in silence for a minute, staring at the fire, and Nick sees Mitzi looking at him from above the flames. After he ditched her at the party on Valentine's Day, she hasn't spoken to him. In fact, he may have heard that she has a new boyfriend from another school. So why the fuck is she staring at him now?

"I think Ian threw some water bottles in the trunk. I can go get one," he says to Bailey. The last thing he wants is for Mitzi to come talk to him while Bailey's sitting next to him.

"Oh my God, Nick, thank you, thank you so much," Bailey says dramatically. "You are the best." Then she gives him a peck on the lips. It's nothing major and not intended to be the least bit sexual, but Nick still feels it traveling down his spine and straight to his manhood.

Nick coughs and has to readjust himself slightly before standing. "No problem."

As much as he doesn't want to leave this spot, and her, he stands and begins walking to the car. He is more drunk than he had realized and is slightly unsteady while trying to navigate through the crowd.

The car is pretty far away from the fire, and it's dark as he looks into the trunk in search of some water. As he grabs his cell phone to use as a flashlight, he hears a female voice from behind him, but not the one he was hoping for.

"Wow, she must really have you in her web."

He sighs before turning around. "What do you want, Ginny?"

She continues walking toward him. "No need to be so grumpy. I'm just wondering what's going on with you and the prom queen?"

"Not that's it's any of your fucking business, but nothing," he lies. He doesn't know why her presence is annoying him so much, but he really wants her to go the fuck away so he can go back to Bailey.

"Bullshit," she says. "I saw you guys dancing. And now your running around being her errand boy?"

He doesn't answer her and begins looking through the trunk again. For fuck's sake, they have so much shit back here.

Ginny leans against the back bumper and continues talking, obviously not turned off by his attitude. "Not that I'm surprised. I mean, she did tell me how skilled you are these days...with your hands."

Nick's head snaps up. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Was that supposed to be a secret? She never told me not to tell anyone, so..."

How could Bailey do that? Why would she tell anyone what they've done? He honestly kind of expected that she's told Mandy, but fucking Ginny? Bailey knows how she is. Ian is going to find out, and quickly.

Over the music, he hears Bailey's laughter. When he turns to look back at the party, he sees her cozied up with Derek on the couch, laughing at something he's whispering to her. The sight is like punch in the gut.

He hates how jealous he's getting. He's never had an issue with Derek before. He's a little weird but harmless.

But deep down, Nick knows that it's not about Derek. It's about Bailey. He doesn't want her attention on anyone but him, which is bullshit considering they're not even dating—or considering it.

And Ginny keeps fucking talking. "I have to admit, I was surprised when she told me. I mean, you and I had some fun times together, and I never knew."

"That was like three years ago."

"Yeah, but don't you kind of miss it?" She places her hand in his and tries to pull him closer. In his distracted state, he doesn't fight her. The truth is, he doesn't miss it, not with her, not with anyone besides Bailey. Once he kissed her, there was no going back for him.

He kissed Mitzi once after that, in an attempt to get Bailey out of his head. It didn't work. If anything, it made him want Bailey more. It also made him sick to think that maybe she had kissed, or more, with someone other than him.

And looking at her now, sitting with Derek, still fucking laughing, he decides maybe it's time to try again. He wraps his arm around Ginny's waist and pulls her mouth to his.

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