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"I miss you.."

I quickly got away and opened my mouth. The other 5 looked shocked as well.

"IF YOU MISS SOYEON, WHY DID YOU MAKE OUT WITH EUNHA? WHAT THE FUCK?" Irene yelled while kicking and punching Jungkook. Jungkook looked down at Irene and chuckled he pushed her off and Irene stumbled but Joy caught her from falling.

He smirked and looked down at me. "See you later, babygirl." And with that he walked towards school.

I groaned and pulled my hair. "He's so fucking confusing! but he can be hot too.." I mumbled the last part so the other 5 wouldn't hear me. My lips started quivering and legs felt like jelly. My eyes were filling a pool. I started crying and put my own weight on Seulgi. She held me and stroked my hair. "Soyeon ... do you miss him? Don't forgive him. He's not worthy." Seulgi said while putting her head on top of mine.

"How am I supposed to forgot my first love? I want to get rid of him but my mind won't let me!" I yelled while slumping on the floor, hands in my face. Irene bent down and stroked my hair. "After school, we'll go shopping. We can just have detention tomorrow for not doing homework." She told my, trying to make me happy. I refused. I didn't want to. I don't want to go to school either.

"Can we ditch school today?" I said quietly, still loud enough for them to hear. "Mhm. Let's go to your house." Joy bent down and told me.

I opened my door and youngjaes friends were there. One of them caught my eye. He had bright pink hair that made my jaw drop to the floor. Wendy seemed o notice and nudged my arm. "He's pretty handsome, ay. He used to be my friend. I'll be glad to hook you two together." Wendy teased. I slightly hit her and poked her breast.

"Soyeon? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school? And you 5. What are you doing here?" Youngjae asked suspiciously, rubbing his chin. One of his friends that had the blue hair smiled and whispered something in Youngjaes ear. Youngjae smiled and let his big mouth talk. "SOYEON JIM-" The blue hair guy covered his mouth and smiled until his eyes disappeared. "You guys can continue what you guys were doing." The blue hair guy said. Even he has a voice of an angel. We ran upstairs into my room.

"Soyeon..! Do you like him?" Yeri teased. "Yeri we don't know which HIM you're talking about." Joy rolled her eyes. "She's talking about Jimin. Blue hair dude." Wendy said while smiling at him. My eyes widened. His name is as beautiful as him. "You guys would make a great couple." Seulgi said while jumping around. Am I ready? Can I trust people I date? What if they hurt me again. I want to try again. But I don't really know..

"What if he doesn't like me.." I said. Wendy patted my head. "Don't worry. I'll make you guys become friends. And then eventually, you guys will date.!" Wendy yelled while clapping her hands and running around my room. Wendy stopped and told me, "what about tomorrow I'll hook you guys up?"

"Sounds great."

The Break Up ~Jungkook FF~Where stories live. Discover now