- 1 - The Beginning

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'So sue me'

It blasts through her speaker. The entire bedroom is vibrating and I love it. I love that it is most probably bugging Benjamin, too.

'For looking so pretty tonight, wearing your favorite color under the lights'

Soon enough I do hear the faint sound of him banging on the other side of their shared wall, but as I jump around dancing in her room on my tippy toes it's really easy to block the noise out.

'For moving on, doing everything right'

Bella is sprawled out on the bed in front of me, reading some book and nodding her head in the beat of the song. I watch myself in the mirrors as I move around, playing with my hair and make overdramatic faces.

'So sue me'

Benjamin bangs on the wall again, louder this time. Isabella rolls her eyes, ignoring her soon to be furious brother.

'For being good friends with your friends'

Suddenly, the banging stops and we hear him opening and closing his bedroom door open with a loud *bang*. Bella and I quickly exchange looks before she flies up from the bed and we run towards the door to keep it closed. Me holding the door handle as she is pushing the door, even though it's still closed.

'And running into you at the place that we met'

We hear him take three heavy steps... One... Two... And BOOM!

I'm not quite sure what we were expecting, he is an eighteen-year-old aggravated boy... First, my hand loses the grip on the handle and then Isabella is smashed into the wall as the door opens.

"Ow..!" She squeaks

'For being something you can't forget'

He looks me dead in the eyes, and I kind of want to cower back as I massage my bruised hand. I don't, though. I hold my stance in the doorway, not letting him push through as Isabella tries to make her way out from behind the door.

'So sue me'

I lean on the doorframe with one arm on top of my head and the other one on my hip as I continue to block the entrance. Benjamin has a murderous look in his eyes, burning with fury.

"Hey, Ben. What are you doing here?" I tease him, acting oblivious. He looks back at me, clearly bored of us already as Bella squeezes herself out and joins me at the door.

"Turn it down." He growls. It's so funny because most people would back off when someone is this mad... Boy, let me tell you that crossing your arms like that, flexing those biceps aren't going to make me cave.

'It's hard to see me on when you've been off as hell'

Ben, or Benjamin, isn't one of these 2m tall giants, that looks like a Greek god. He is a little shorter than that and looks good, but not like some bodybuilder. He has a strong jaw that he tends to flex whenever he is angry with us, or me especially. And even though his jawline is sharp, he has little chubby cheeks. His nose is defined, but sweet and his eyes are stormy in a way. It's almost like a window into his brain where five million different things flying around at once.

I smile a little before pouting my lips and tilting my head down a little. "Now, why would we do that?"

Bella snickers beside me, as I put emphasize on another title of a song by Sabrina Carpenter.

He must clearly not get the reference because he glares at her and she shuts her mouth quickly. I roll my eyes at this and grab the door.

"I don't think so. Would that be all? Thank you." I say and shut the door, in his face if I may add.

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