- 5 - Cooties

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"I guess. But it'll never be the same. None of us will..."

"But if you choose to eat cereal for breakfast instead of a sandwich then something changes. It doesn't have to be so dramatic..." I say and wiggle my legs.

He studies me carefully like he can't really see me.

"Where did you go?"

"What do you mean?" I say and laugh carelessly.

"You used to be so sweet and thoughtful all of the time. You were the one who told Sissy to drop the mean girl act. Look at you now..." He says, quite sadly.

This came as quite the stab in my heart. It's not that he isn't right. It's like I'm not me anymore...

I got into a coma a while ago, after an accident outside her house. I almost died, and she thought I did for a while... But I woke up. I was still the same then. Then my heart stopped for a while and after that... It's like I-

"I remember her," I say, swishing the thought away as I let a tear slip. He wipes it away with his thumb and leaves it there, laying on my cheek.

"Remember how when we were kids, we used to chase each other around." He says with a smile and lets his hand fall down on my lap, leaning on my lower thigh, closer to my knee.

"Yeah, giving each other cooties." I look down at his hand... It's quite big and probably really warm. I scratch his palm carefully with my nails and starts playing with his fingers. This was one of the things I used to do. The bad girl act I mostly had around Bella, while this caring one I only showed to him. "You still scared of getting cooties?"

"If I were, would I be doing this?" He says and laughs lightly, eyeing me up and down while indicating that we're doing something that could make us... Exchange cooties, I guess.

"I don't know, maybe..." I say with an underlying teasing tone. "Would you be doing this" I move my hand up and down his arm, scratching him lightly, making his skin shiver. He looks at me unbelievingly.

"Eh," He says and shrugs as if though it's really nothing. He's challenging me.

"Yeah? What about this?" I say and take the bait and run my hand up under his t-shirt through the hole for the arm and moving my fingers tenderly over his muscled back.

I don't quite get a response from him as he only places his hand on my knee. I continue to stroke his back and before I know it he's moved his over to my leg, farthest away from him and is grabbing my thigh. It's as if I'm craving his touch and I let my body respond to it. My stomach tightens and I trace my hand, the one that isn't currently underneath his shirt, over his chiseled jaw that holds a light stubble. I let my thumb follow the outline of his chin, that has one of those little holes in it.

I pull out my hand as he lightly strokes my thigh, not moving too far up my leg. I let it wander down his ribs and just as it reaches his waist I let myself trace the edge of his jeans, stroking my thumb up and down his back and just as I am about to move away from him, he tightens his entire chest and grabs both of my thighs, lifting me up and places me on top of him, so that I am straddling him, with my legs folded on either side of his. I can slightly feel his... You know... As he sets me down before I get lost in his eyes. When we stand on the floor, the height difference isn't that big, but now with me on top of him, I have to lean my head down a little to fully face him. My hands are on his back and then over his shoulder whereas his are still on my thighs, grabbing me tight and holding me close to him. I painfully slowly move my hips so that I am arching my back, slightly touching his below area as our stomachs are pressed together. I look at him, challenging him to restrain himself as I tighten my grip around him with my thighs. At first, he is holding my stare but then he can't help but to look down. Look down at my chest that is pressed against his as I'm showing some cleavage in my black tank top. He looks down at my legs and down at my hips.

Even though I'm holding onto him, I'm slowly sliding off his lap creating space between us thanks to gravity, but he holds onto me tightly. At one point he has to let go of me, but instead of doing that he grunts "Screw this" and grabs my butt, with both hands. He pulls me hastily against him and we collide painfully but excitingly as he, most probably, leaves grip marks on my skin. I am breathing heavily as I inch closer to his face, his lips. They are parted slightly and I tease both him and me by leaning down so slowly that even a dead snail could've passed us before his patience runs out and he stretches a little more and tastes my full lips hungrily. One of his hands moves up my back as the other one grips my behind tightly before moving up and down my thighs as I suck in his lip.

I start to slow down, lean back a bit and let go of the kiss as he looks at me like a lost puppy. Or like a lost, horny but sexy devil. The grip of his hands eases slightly before I surprise him by colliding into him once again.

"Oh, fuck you, Katheryn!" He grunts out, as I most probably hurt him a little while turning him on even more. "I'm gonna get you back for that one..." He says lowly before setting me down next to him as he stands between my legs. He grips my ass again and pushes our bodies so close together that it hurt me not to go further with him. The mental strength it took me not to rip his shirt to pieces and unbutton his pants were ginormous, but I managed to stay in my pants. My skin tight, nonflexible blue jeans.

"We can't tell anyone about this."

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