- 4 - Oh, boy.

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There's nothing she can do about it anyways... Well, at least that's what I thought.

It had been three days. And I had actually been studying the entire time. It's weird, don't you think? How you imagine homework being the most terrifying and horrible thing on earth until you're actually doing it. I think it's because when you're a kid, everything you do feels like it takes forever and is therefore horrifying. While now, as a teen I can barely grasp any time at all. It feels as if though I've worked a short minute while it's been hours. All the things I've missed because of... Well, I'm caught up with it anyway. Call me smart or call our teachers stupid, it's your choice. I was sitting on the roof outside my window until it had started raining. Feeling all messed up and such, I sat down in my horribly brown-grey armchair until I eventually fell asleep. I'll admit, I hadn't really gotten any of that lately. Sleep. It feels like every time I turn off my lights I'll never be able to turn them on again. I guess that's what you get from breaking up with your best friend.

"Hi, sweetheart. Thank you so much for coming."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Houseman."

"Don't look so sad, it's just a bump in the road. Real best friends fight, otherwise, you're really not."

"I just wish she would talk. I couldn't even call her and tell her about everything because her number was canceled-"

I was half asleep and didn't even really notice the conversation that was going on downstairs before everything was spinning. It wasn't in my head, where I felt dizzy. It was as if though the entire world was spinning and it scared me. I didn't want to leave it! Every time it happened it felt more real and I wanted to cry out for help, but then it was gone.

"Don't cry, dear. It will all work out. She's upstairs if you want to go talk to her. I'll make you some hot chocolate in the meantime."

I woke up rather abruptly. Bella... Maybe it was all a dream. No matter what, I was done moping around and waiting for her. It was all really stupid anyway. I'd felt really hurt at first but now... Now it's just my stupid stubbornness. We can't work things out if we can't even talk to each other.

"Mom?" I yelled down as I flew off the chair. "Can I borrow the car?"

I jumped on one leg as I tried to put my boots back on while moving towards the door.


I was going to drive over there and tell her how much I missed her. I was going to fix us, make her remember me-

We were more important than anything she could ever say, and hopefully, anything I could ever do. I abruptly opened the door and saw her standing there...

"Hey," She said as my eyes practically popped out of my head.

"Oh my gosh, Bella!" She was fiddling with her fingers, something she did when she was really nervous. She stared at her vans too...

"I-" She started, finally meeting my stare before I cut her off. I jumped into her with a hug, and I started crying again. Although, now I was happy.

We were sitting on my bed, and I had just taken a shower. She was holding her mug of hot chocolate and I played with some marshmallows on a tray. She's the only person who could ever make me feel awkward, and I kind of was at first, but even though she felt so guilty (which she reminded me of every five minutes) she was really chill. She started talking about what the perks would be if I started dating her brother and how, when we're old, could merge our separate family dinners that happened every Sunday into one.

"Whoa, slow down!" I said, a little bit terrified. "I am not dating your brother!"

"Does that mean you're over him?"

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