- 6 - Katheryn Houseman

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"We can't tell anyone about this," I say as he later climbs off me. My tank top is all twisted and his hair is all messy.

"Why?" He says with such hurt in his voice that it makes me want to cry. "Why can't we be?" Somehow everything starts spinning out of control and I want him to stop talking. I feel as if though he is letting go of me and I don't like it. I don't like it at all...

"I would've brought you to prom." He says hysterically "I would've told you that I love you. I would've moved with you to college" Tears starts tumbling down his cheeks as my entire body starts shaking "Katheryn, I would've married you! For god's sake, I would've died with you..! I SHOULD'VE DIED WITH YOU!"

And then everything crashes. Everything falls back to me...

I wasn't there in her bedroom, dancing to Sue Me. She was alone with her book. She read about two girls and three boys in a basement, playing around. Isabella May doesn't have a basement. Isabella May has two brothers that are twins. Ben's twin was the one playing too loud music... When we took Ben's car and he got so mad, he was scared that Bella hurt herself. My mom committed suicide after my death. My dad lives in England with my twins sister Anna. We never moved from our old house. I've never even been here to visit the Jones'. I used to love Ben. I died, making our relationship end. He never was a rebound, he was just... Something that could've been. That pillow I had gotten from her was buried with me. The disconnected line she tried calling me on used to be my phone number and now she couldn't reach me. After almost a year the line finally stopped being paid for. Isabella May was found crying outside a convenience store by her big brother who called Ben and Dylan to come to get her since he had been closing the store when he found her banging on the door. She drank oat milk all by herself that night. She told Ben about me, about how I used to never be able to fall asleep during movies. About how I had stayed up all night one time, watching Mamma Mia on repeat. Ben had wished for me to be there that night. To touch him and kiss him. I was the sweetest to him. I never used to show anyone that side, except him. I died in a car crash one year ago, and I was never coming back.

"Why couldn't you have let me die with you..?" Benjamin Jones whispers out to an empty room because Katheryn Houseman was never there.

The end.

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