- 3 - Shameful Bickering

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"Jerk..." I mutter as he walks a little too proudly away.

"Uuh..." I hear from behind me. "What was that?"

I slowly turn around, only to meet a furious Isabella.

"Hey..." I say shamefully and pull my hand through my hair.

Her eyes are fuming and she sorts of looks like she wants to vomit. She's wrinkled her nose in the cutest little way as she crawls out of the car.

"Please, do tell me I'm hallucinating." She says, actually already knowing the answer to that question.


"You? And- And HIM?!" She yells "HE's your rebound guy?!"

"Wait- Hold on a second..!" I say as I slowly get aggravated at my very best friend. "Rebound from what exactly? HUH? WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT, HUH?!"

"I'm sorry- No. You know what? I AM SO NOT SORRY. YOU BROUGHT THAT UPON YOURSELF YOU STUPID LITTLE-" She doesn't have time to say anymore because just as she is about to rise up from the car seat I push her back down. With a low voice, she tells me

"I wish you'd stayed dead-"

The spinning is back and I feel so dizzy that I can barely keep my stance before it's gone.

I stumble back as if though she'd just hit me in the face with all of her power. I place my hand on my chest, right above my heart, as if to see if it's still there. I looked her right in the eyes as she sat there, in the car. I loved her more then she'd probably ever know, but it felt like she was trying to erase me from the picture and I wasn't even quite sure what I meant by that. With tears in my eyes, I open my mouth to say something back, to hurt her right back the same way as she just did to me. But I don't. And to be honest, that probably hurt more than anything I could've ever said.

I turned around and started walking out of the garage, the conversation was long over even though it had merely been a minute since we stopped talking. I'd won, but she left the scars...

"Don't you dare walk out on me! Don't you dare-" I tuned her out. In my heels and my ripped jeans, I walked out of there. She followed me off the porch, screaming different threats after me.

"If you set foot out of this lot you're not welcome here, ever again." She finally said, just as I was about to leave.

I turned around and looked her in the eyes. She was crying. She never cried. But it didn't matter. I gave her a broken look before I left. It wasn't what I did, that was going to keep me out of this house. It was all up to her.


I walked into my room. I'd cried all the way home. Silent whimpers. I let myself feel down, as I listened to all the most heartbreaking songs I could find. As Youngblood started playing I screamed out loud with as much power I could manage and tossed away my phone with such power that it flew right into the wall, together with my white earphones, shattering to pieces. Although I couldn't find it in me to care, I cried a little more. I lay back on my bed and pulled my knees up to rest my head upon. I hadn't bothered taking off my shoes as I cried myself to sleep, hugging my softest pillow. It was a pillow she'd made for me and it was probably only soft because of all the times I'd used it.

My parents didn't come home until late that night. I don't really remember much since I was half asleep and crying, but I do remember my father discovering my broken phone and my mother's continuous whispers.

"Oh, baby, what have you done..." She laid beside me, cuddling my crying self until I fell asleep.

I didn't sleep well, but I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. The smell of freshly baked pancakes had filled the room and for a second I was a little bit disoriented. That was until I turned to look at the time on my phone, realizing it wasn't there.

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