- 2 - The Same Day

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Then something happens. I kind of fall back into reality, and boy do I fly off him.

It takes me about half a second to get up on my feet and I can feel panic creeping up on me. What did I just do? Like, what the h*ll? And everyone's watching... Well, they can't really see us but they could've been! Isabella and his three friends' view is blocked by the back of the couch. Oh my gosh...

Right then and there I could've chosen to freak out and apologize for my behavior, but that's not me. I do not get embarrassed. Never. I didn't get embarrassed when Benjamin and Dylan, his best friend, hung my first bra up in a tree when Bella and I were thirteen. Of course, they didn't know it was mine but that's not important. We laughed about it and unplugged all the tiny cables in his computer and hid them all around the house. I didn't get embarrassed when I got my period in school, I just acted like it didn't happen and walked out of school like I owned the place. When Bella teased me once and sent a love letter to the douchiest, hottest jerk in class I just walked over to him and kneed him in his crotch before telling him that it was mean to spread such ridiculous lies. Then I winked and gave him a fly-kiss, walking away.

I was not going to get all weird around Ben now, no way. It would mean I did it all that for nothing.

"Why so nervous? There was literally NOTHING there." I say with a devious smirk and walk out of there, a little cockier than necessary. I mean, what good was I to Isabella if I didn't kill her brother's confidence sometimes?

We walked out of there with our heads held high, me in my black ripped jeans and her in those tiny shorts with some see-through leggins underneath. Well, that was after I had to fight three boys to get her out of that laundry room, but that's not very cool so let's just not mention that...

"Wanna go for some milkshakes?" I suggested as we reached the first floor.

"Oh, yes. I'd die for some chocolate right now."

"Do you think he'd mind?" She nods towards Ben's car keys.

"Oh, he most definitely would!" I say, all smiley and grab his keys as we walk outside. Isabella giggles behind me and hops into the passenger seat.

"He is going to kill you!" She screams happily as the engine roars to life.

"You think?" I say to her with a wink, before we back out in full speed and roll down the street. In the rearview mirror, I can barely see him rush out on the street, preparing to kill us. But he is too late because we're already turning down the street.

His car is so smooth to drive, the littlest twitch and it obeys you completely, unlike Benjamin who's just a pain in the butt.

Isabella plays with the stereo for some time until she lands on Billie Eilish's 'you should see me in a crown'. She turns up the volume until we can't even hear each other scream the lyrics, and just like that, we've arrived at some place selling milkshakes. I turn off the engine and step out of the car, as gloriously as possible as I swirl the keys around my index finger. We get a lot of looks as we step inside and order our drinks. Isabella orders triple chocolate mixed with a cookie dough milkshake and I order a caramel one. We sit down in the corner with some couches and I put my feet up on the table, chewing on the straw rather than actually drinking the beverage in the cup.

"Isn't Dylan really cute?" Bella says dreaming.

"Cute isn't what I'd describe him as. Sexy, yes. Dreamy, yes. But cute..? He isn't a puppy, girly."

She rolls her eyes in a childish way and then says with a 'duh' tone "Come on, you know exactly what I mean."

"No, I don't. Please do inform me exactly how he makes you feel." I tease her and she glares at me as she blushes. "Who needs makeup when you blush like Isabella May?" I laugh and of course, she gets even redder.

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