week 11 salsa mayhem

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Day 1:

Dianne's POV:

I still don't know who the letter is from I really need to find out who needs help I hadn't been home for the last few weeks as I was trying to help Joe so maybe it was just a the house keepers way of telling me to clean more. I brought the note with me to training and showed Joe when he noticed a blood stain on the corner and a date saying 12/11/2018 which was the day Joe got the call from Jess about Aubrey. we started training as we had extra dancers coming tomorrow but it wasn't quiet sticking we were both to worried about this letter so we decided to call it a day and went back to my apartment. I burst through the door and showed Joe where the note was we both looked around confused when Joe looked under the table he found another one the note said 'I was lost now I am found but I am not safe call my sister please she is the only one who knows turn page over to find number' we turned the page over and found a random number Joe whipped out his phone and punched the numbers in the phone rang but no answer so he tried again this time a small girls voice came from the phone "hello how can I help you I am Violet Hewitt" this small girl said Joe looked at me confused then talked to the phone again "are you Violet Rose Hewitt Jessica Rose Hewitt's little sister?" Joe asked puzzled "yes this is her new phone she only got it today" the little girl replied me and Joe looked at each other confused I looked down at the paper and found a date on it the 26/11/2018 which was today and there was a time too  10:40 which was the time right now Joe then turned back to the phone "Hey Violet this is Joe can you put Jess on please." the little girl replied with a happy scream "JOE I miss you let me just go and get Jess" the little girl went and got Jess and Joe explained everything to her she then gasped said talk soon and hung up before we could get an answer.

Joe's POV:

so Dianne had found a note that said help me and I found another one giving us a phone number which turned out to be Jess's new phone I had explained I all to her as the note said that she would understand but she hung up, I put my phone down and looked at Dianne when the doorbell rings Dianne opened the door to a postman handing her a letter "who is this from" she askes "beats me there's no name" he says then leaves. That was odd Dianne opens the letter and reads "I may just be in a coma now but I am still not safe I just hope you sent Jess to get help and she isn't in any danger." Dianne finished reading and we both looked at it puzzled I then realised that this was Aubrey how did I not see this before that was her hand writing on the first two I quickly whipped out my phone to call Jess to make sure she was ok but my battery died so Dianne took hers out and rang Jess there was no answer so she tried again then again there was no answer I told Dianne her Brother Liam's phone number and she called that, Liam answered and Dianne introduced herself quickly and got to the point asking where Jess was he said that she went to the hospital to see Aubrey but didn't say why it's late visiting hours are over Dianne looked at me worried what could we do I told her to hang up and she did I then used Dianne's phone to ring Salex Brown Jess's best friend back in Australia, and told her what was going on she then said she would call later to fill us in and hung up. this was the most stressful night ever.

Day 2:

Joe's POV:

we hadn't heard back from Salex yet about Jess and Aubrey but we were both concerned about them when my phone rang we both rushed over to it "Hello Joe Jess is safe but turns out someone is after Aubrey I don't know why but Jess told me everything we finish school soon and Jess is coming to spend the next few weeks with you so she will tell you everything then." Salex told us we both sighed in relief "ok thanks Salex" I replied I turned to Dianne and a look of concern felled her face "why would someone be after a six year old" see asked I wasn't sure of the answer but I knew it couldn't be Good "I don't know but I guess Jess will tell us everything next week" I replied Kissing Dianne on the forehead to make her feel better. we got back to training we were exhausted we sat down on the floor and started talking Dianne's phone was right next to her so I grabbed it and looked through the song list and found this years love so I turned that on, I got up and held my hand out to Dianne "may I have this dance Miss" Dianne nodded and grabbed my hand we started swaying to the music, I started to lean in to kiss her when the door started to open we quickly pulled away from each other and the extra dancers walked in it was time to rehearse again.

(time skip to Saturday)

Dianne's POV;

i am so proud of Joe I feel like I say that a lot but I really am and this week has been strange just like the last few weeks but also good we finally admitted we liked each other and have been able to cuddle when we are alone, it's great. we were just about ready to go on stage when I pulled Joe into my Dressing room "I am so proud of you Joe you go out there and do your best and have fun" I said before embracing him and Kissing him it was now time to go on. the song finished and I was so happy with it I know Joe wasn't though I went and hugged him and we walked over to the judges to get the scores. we got a 36 which means we did well the show finished and I took Joe to my dressing before he could say anything I kissed him he wrapped his arms around me as I pulled away "what was that for " he asked me looking confused "to say you did really well" I replied.

soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love storyWhere stories live. Discover now