Internationals day 5- Hospital visit

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Dianne's POV:

we got up early to go to the shops and get something for Jess for when she wakes up then headed to the hospital we had bought a sparkly Disney bag, a toy stitch and some Disney jewellery as Jess loves Disney. we got to the hospital and walk into Jess's room and saw her still lying there lifeless Joe stood at the door way and sighed staring at Jess and slowly walked over to her and sat down next to her. we had been there awhile now when a nurse came in "we have tried contacting Jessica's parents and they will not pick up do you know where they are" she asked looking at us hoping we would know "they are in Australia" Joe said looking down at the ground in sadness, the nurse looked at Joe in shook "they didn't come with her to the competition" Joe shook his head and offer to ring them. "I am going to ring Jess's parents but first I should really tell Zoe and Alfie what's happened I will be back" I nodded and Joe left the room, I then turned to Jess and placed all the things we bought for her around the room and left little notes with them for when she wakes up. 

Joe's POV:

I offered to call Jess parents because I knew they would pick up if they knew it was either Zoe or me calling them. I walked outside and decided to call Zoe first I went into her contact and sighed before clicking the call button, it starting ring and soon enough Zoe picked up.

Zoe: "hey Joseph how's the comp really loving the videos of the dances you have been sending me even Alfie is loving them too."

Joe: "hey Zo."

Zoe: "what's wrong Joe"

Joe: "is Alfie there"

Zoe: "yes why?"

Alfie: "hey mate"

Joe: "I have some bad news guys, Jess is in hospital in a coma"

Zoe and Alfie: "what no is she going to be ok"

Joe: "she will be ok but I have to call her parents."

I hung up and took a deep breath before dialling Jess's parents numbers they picked up and asked how I was and asked about Dianne, I told them about strictly and Dianne and they congratulated me telling me it was about time I got a girlfriend. after a little catch up and arranging we meet up over New Years I decided it was time to tell them about Jess "so Jess is in hospital in a coma." there came a silence before her mum answered with "oh ok will your there so she is fine." I felt the anger start to build up " I am glad you called now we can go on holiday knowing that Jess will be with you and not coming back on the Tuesday" that was the last straw I yelled into the phone that they were the worst parents to her ever and that if I was her father I would have gotten the soonest flight out to see her just like we did when she was younger, and with that I hung up and turned around to see the whole hospital starring at me and Dianne standing at the door. she walked over to me shocked "I came out to see if you were alright." I looked her thinking I just messed everything up she heard me yell at Jess's parents that's not how you treat other people's parents what if she hates me now "Dianne if you want to leave me now after that then you can I understand that was rude of me." she looked at me quiet still in shock I knew what was coming she was going to leave me I felt a tear starting fall when Dianne pulled me into a hug "Joe what you did was very brave to stand up to Jess's parents like that and now they are going to rethink about their parenting towards her, you have helped and I love that you put Jess first that's one of the reason I love you, because you always put others first, and sorry to tell you this but I am never leaving you." she pulled out of the hug and kissed my cheek before leading me back into Jess's room.

Dianne's POV:

I lead Joe back into Jess's room and we sat down on Jess's bed and talk to her hoping she would open her eyes the nurse came in a asked Joe what Jess's parents were doing and Joe told her they weren't coming before bursting in to tears again "you must really care for her" the nurse said before leaving the room again Joe turned and sat back down on the bed next to me I put my hand on top of his as he turned to look at me trying to force a smile I placed a delicate kiss on his lips to show him I was here for him. soon visiting time was over when the nurse came in and told Joe he could stay so I went back to the hotel and grabbed him some clothes before I headed back and went to sleep.

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