Chapter 1

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-This chapter takes place 15 years before the fourth movie-

Be Careful What You Wish For

Fifteen years ago,there was a war in the Yokai World,debating wether if humans should be able to communicate with Yokai or not.It's been recent that the committee leader erased memories from humans and their interactions from Yokai.
This made Yokai who were companions with humans move back to the Yokai World,since they were no longer able to communicate.
A lot of them got spiteful and were full of regret,this caused half of the Yokai population to be on two separate sides.One side that still liked humans and one side that were against them.
The war was chaotic and out of control.
Enma had a plan to settle this,by granting a wish to every Yokai who wanted it.
The wish was for them to be able to become who they want to be.
Unfortunately,the committee wasn't letting it slide and demanded Enma to erase their memories with their interactions with humans and put a curse on them,if they wanted their wish.
Enma agreed and prepared to announce to the whole kingdom of what he was going to do.
"Everyone,come out and stop hiding! I have important news!"
Some Yokai came out from their hiding places and listened.
From far back,four certain Yokai were hiding.
"Should we go out there to see what Enma wants?" A blue haired woman asked.
"We need to see what he says first,it might be a trap."A white wisp replied.
"Why would Enma do that? Isn't he the Yokai king?"A red cat questioned.
"It's hard to trust anyone these days.It wouldn't surprise me if Enma turned against us."A blue rabbit looking Yokai said.
Enma spoke,"I am here to grant everyone a wish in this difficult time.You don't have to accept it,but if you do,please come forward."
Some Yokai went forward and closer to Enma.
"Should we go?"The red cat asked.
"No,just wait."The white wisp replied.
Enma announced,"I will grant you all the wish of being the person you what to be,but there's a downside.If you accept this wish,you will have two forms.One form will be the one you always wanted,but the other form.......will be the form you don't want and it will be the form that will the strongest in combat.One more thing,you will lose your memories of human interactions if you receive this wish.It's the committee's orders."
Some Yokai hesitated,but majority of them got closer to Enma.
"That sounds promising......but......"The blue haired woman thought.
"Yeah.......but......we'll forget Keita."The red cat said.
"And Inaho......"The blue rabbit looking Yokai mumbled.
"They forgot us by now.So.......might as well lose our memories of them."The white wisp replied,"Come on guys."
The wisp lead the others to Enma.
"Alright,I'll be sending white orbs down from the sky.When they come,they must hit you if you want your wish.Your wish will come true overnight."Enma raises his hand and shouted,"Get ready! Here they come!"
White orbs fell from the sky and hit multiple Yokai,which made them glow slightly.
The four certain Yokai gathered around and closed their eyes as they got hit with white orbs.

Later that night,Enma is standing alone. Nurarihyon approached him.
"How did it go?"Nurarihyon asked.
"It was fine.Most Yokai were afraid,but it was successful."Enma spoke.
"So,why aren't we granted that wish?"Nurarihyon questioned.
"Because,it's dangerous and it could possibly corrupt us.I broke a rule....."Enma sighed.
"What rule.....?"Nurarihyon looked at Enma with concern.
"I.......lied.I lied about the Yokai losing their memories of humans."Enma said.
"What?! Are you insane?!"Nurarihyon yelled.
"Well,technically they did lose their memories of human interactions,but their memories can be triggered if they have certain interactions with those humans again and I did the same with the humans.I had to.It was unfair to leave their memories behind forever."Enma carried on.
"I swear......if the committee finds out.You know what will happen!"Nurarihyon shouted.
"I know........they'll spread the oni virus to humans.......but it's the risk I will take."Enma replied in a serious tone.
The next morning,the four Yokai were resting in their usual hiding spot.
The white wisp woke up to see someone outside,standing or rather floating.
He was shocked to see the blue haired woman or was it her?
She turned to see the white wisp,"Whisper?"
"I could say the same about you."
They were both speechless,but broke the silence.
"Fubuki,you look beautiful! I were already stunning,but.....I didn't know that you could possibly get even more attractive."Whisper laughed awkwardly.
"And you.......look amazing!"Fubuki smiled.
"This wish doesn't seem so bad.I wonder what our second forms look like."Whisper pondered.
Fubuki thought and she sunk into her shadow and transformed into something different.
"Fubuki?!"Whisper exclaimed.
"I figured out how to do this while you guys were sleeping.I heard some Yokai near by saying this was called Shadowside and the other form was called Lightside,I think?"Fubuki exclaimed.
"You look a bit scary....."Whisper was nervous.
"I'm fine,but......I do admit that this outfit is......revealing."Fubuki said.
"Ok,let me try."Whisper spoke.
He sunk into his shadow and transformed.
"You look......interesting."Fubuki said.
"Is it bad?"Whisper asked.
"No......but you might want to look at yourself."Fubuki sighed.
Whisper looked at his reflection and freaked out,"Oh my god! Where's my black mark and my lips?! I'm ruined!"
"It's not that bad! I promise!"Fubuki replied.
"Let's turn back!"Whisper said.
Fubuki turned back into her Lightside form,but Whisper couldn't.
"Why can't I turn back?!"Whisper panicked.
"I don't know....try again."Fubuki suggested.
Whisper kept trying,but he couldn't turn back.
"No! The Yokai gods cursed me!"Whisper shouted.
"It's ok,'ll get used to it?"Fubuki said nervously.
" Lightside form was better than this........ugly form."Whisper mumbled.

The blue rabbit looking Yokai came out from the hiding spot.
" look almost the same."Fubuki exclaimed.
"What is going on?"Usapyon questioned.
"Jesus Christ that voice!" Whisper shouted.
"What voice.....? Wait,is that my voice?"Usapyon looked at himself.
"Dang........I kind of look different but yet the same."Usapyon paused.
"Hang on guys,I sound like a dude.That means......"Usapyon turned away from Whisper and Fubuki and took off his suit to check his business.
Usapyon finished and turned back around,"I'm a dude!"
"That was unnecessary."Whisper face palmed.
"So,that wish could also change your gender? Wow.......Enma has a great power."Fubuki said.
"And that means......Jibanyan! I have to go wake him up!"Usapyon went to get Jibanyan.
"Wake up!"Usapyon shook Jibanyan awake.
"What?!"Jibanyan screamed.
"The wish worked!"Usapyon exclaimed.
"What.......?"Jibanyan was puzzled.
"Check your goods,do it!"Usapyon said.
"Excuse me........?" Jibanyan replied.
"The wish came true,you hear my voice,right? Guess what,I have a d now."Usapyon winked.
Jibanyan blushed and looked down at his you know what.
"I'm........a lady!"Jibanyan hugged Usapyon.
"Told ya our wishes came true!"Usapyon replied.
Usapyon lead Jibanyan to Whisper and Fubuki.
"Jibanyan is all woman."Usapyon announced.
"That's wonderful!"Fubuki cheered.
"And he-I mean.......she doesn't look that different either.We all call you she now......right?"Whisper hesitated.
"Yes.I love my new voice too!" Jibanyan exclaimed.She paused and looked at herself.
"Hmmm.....I don't look too different,but I think I can still pass as a proper woman."Jibanyan stated.
"What about your other forms? Seen those yet?"Whisper asked.
"Oh.....we haven't.Lets check that out."Usapyon said.
"Just sink into your shadow,that's how it works."Fubuki replied.
Usapyon sunk into his shadow and transformed.
Everyone backed away and were a bit frightened.
"You're......ripped!"Whisper shouted.
Usapyon looked at himself.
"My're right."Usapyon spoke.
"Do you like it?"Fubuki asked.
"I.......don't know.I look like a monster honestly.I kind of hate it....."Usapyon said.
"Enma did say that we would have a cursed form."Whisper added.
"Aw geez.......if I knew it would be that bad......I wouldn't have made this wish."Usapyon sighed.
"Jibanyan,it's your turn." Whisper said.
Jibanyan was nervous and sunk into her shadow.
Everyone was speechless and didn't say a word.
"What?" Jibanyan asked,but paused.
"Was that my voice......? What's going on?!"Jibanyan exclaimed.
"Don't look.......fine?"Whisper smiled nervously.
"What do you mean I look fine?!"Jibanyan questioned.
She looked at herself and went silent.
" me?"Jibanyan asked.
"Yeah,but we have cursed forms,remember?"Usapyon spoke.
"I.......I hate it! I don't look anything like a woman and I sure in hell don't sound like one!"Jibanyan complained.
"Calm down,we can fix this."Fubuki stated.
"How......can you fix this?! I'm hideous!" Jibanyan cried.
"'re beautiful."Usapyon said.
"You're just saying that! Screw you guys! I don't need any of you!"Jibanyan pushed everyone out of the way and ran off.
"Jibanyan,wait!"Usapyon shouted.
Usapyon turned to Whisper and Fubuki.
"We should've never accepted that damn wish.Now I might never see Jibanyan again.I'm going to leave and my final words to you guys is......fuck you!"Usapyon left them behind.
"What have we done.....?"Whisper asked.
"It'll be ok as long as we stick together."Fubuki said.
"I hope so........we just lost our daughter."Whisper mumbled.
"We didn't lose her.We'll see her again someday."Fubuki replied.
"I guess it's just you and me,for now....."Whisper sighed.

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