Chapter 3

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!Warning,this chapter is borderline rated M,so please read with caution!

Unexpected Surprise

A month later,everything seemed pretty ok for Jibanyan.Going through the same routine by being summoned by Natsume during battles and rebuilding her own relationship back with Usapyon.
Jibanyan was in a good mood since it was the night that she finally could do it with Usapyon again,after waiting over fifteen years.
When she got home,Usapyon wasn't anywhere in sight.She found him in their bedroom.
"Ready for the best night of your life?"Usapyon asked.
"Of course I am."Jibanyan replied.
"Change into your Shadowside and put this on."Usapyon handed Jibanyan some lingerie.
"Why?"Jibanyan was confused.
"Because it's been so long and we'll be crushing it.I don't want you to hurt yourself." Usapyon teased.
"Be quiet jerk face! Fine,I'll wear.....this."Jibanyan said in annoyance.
Minutes later,Usapyon and Jibanyan were in bed together.
"So.........when do know,want to start?"Usapyon asked awkwardly.
"I don't know,I still don't feel like the woman I'm supposed to be."Jibanyan sighed.
Usapyon grabbed Jibanyan tight and whispered,"I'll make you feel a woman."
He touched Jibanyan's chest,"And I'll make sure that you're aware of being one."
Usapyon took off his underwear and replied,"Won't be needing these."
"Your turn."Usapyon smirked.
There was an awkward silence between them.
"Or do you want me to do it?" Usapyon asked as he undid Jibanyan's bra.
Jibanyan blushed furiously,"I'll do it,ok?!"
She took her bra and undergarments off and buried herself under the covers.
"Don't be shy."Usapyon teased.
"I'm just you's been so long." Jibanyan said.
"I know babe,but you know you want it."Usapyon added.
"'s just......our bodies changed since that wish and......"Jibanyan was shushed by Usapyon,"'s the same thing except we have different parts.I won't hurt ya,I promise."
"Ok......I'm ready."Jibanyan replied.
Usapyon towered on top of Jibanyan with his body pressed against hers.
They did whatever couples do in bed,but in an awkward way.

Two weeks later,after that awkward night,Jibanyan woke up but Usapyon wasn't next to her.She got up to search for him and found him in the kitchen.
Usapyon noticed her,"Hey babe,you're finally awake."
"What time is it?"Jibanyan asked.
"Probably around noon.You've been sleeping in lately.Something wrong?"Usapyon questioned.
"I don't know.My freakin stomach's been hurting and it sucks."Jibanyan groaned.
Usapyon saw that Jibanyan seemed to be gaining weight.
"Yeah,you've been gaining we-"Usapyon saw Jibanyan giving him a death glare.
"I.........mean you look great!" Usapyon laughed nervously.
"That's what I thought."Jibanyan frowned.
A month passed and Usapyon noticed Jibanyan's weight wasn't going away and her belly looked unusually round.
"Honey,are you ok?" Usapyon asked.
"Yeah,I'm fine.Why do you keep asking?"Jibanyan questioned.
"You keep know......"Usapyon said awkwardly.
"Screw you man.I can hide this weight with my haramaki." Jibanyan stated.
"You're not losing and you've been in pain."Usapyon sighed.
"I don't care.So stop telling me-"Jibanyan paused and went to the bathroom.
Usapyon heard her throwing up.Jibanyan came back.
"That's the second time you've done that ever since you've been gaining weight.We're going to the doctor." Usapyon stated.
"No way! I'm not going to take any weird medicine or take shots or whatever." Jibanyan complained.
"We're going and that's final."Usapyon said.
"Make me."Jibanyan glared at him.

They were at the doctor's office in the Yokai World.
"Damn you for being stronger than me."Jibanyan mumbled.
"You'll feel better once you get this over with."Usapyon spoke.
A nurse called for them,"Yaburekabure will see you now,"
They got up and went into the doctor's room.
They waited until a Yokai came in.
"Hello,I'm Yaburekabure.Tell me what's wrong."Yaburekabure said.
"My stomach's been hurting"Jibanyan hesitated.
"She's been gaining weight and she keeps gaining.She can't lose any of it.Also,she's been throwing up recently." Usapyon added.
"Damn you."Jibanyan whispered at Usapyon.
"How long has this been going on?"Yaburekabure asked.
"Almost two months....."Jibanyan replied.
"Let me see."Yaburekabure looked at Jibanyan's stomach.
"It seems normal,but may I see under your belt?"Yaburekabure questioned.
"Fine....."Jibanyan sighed as she slid off her haramaki.
Yaburekabure took a stethoscope and placed it on Jibanyan's stomach.
When he was done,he spoke,"Well,there's a heart beat in there."
"And that means?"Usapyon asked.
"It means she's pregnant."Yaburekabure stated.
"What?!" Jibanyan and Usapyon shouted.
"You m'am have a stomach of a pregnant woman.Have you guys been doing anything the past two months?"Yaburekabure asked.
"Um.....well......."Jibanyan was embarrassed.
"Yeah,we did it once and that was almost two months ago."Usapyon blushed.
"Well,she's pregnant."Yaburekabure stated again.

Days passed as Usapyon and Jibanyan went to various doctors.All results were positive that Jibanyan was pregnant.
"No way! I can't be pregnant!" Jibanyan exclaimed.
"Sweetie,you are and that's that." Usapyon said.
" am I going to keep this a secret?"Jibanyan sighed.
"Tell your parents at least."Usapyon replied.
"Fine."Jibanyan groaned in annoyance.
Later,Jibanyan called Whisper.
"Oh Jibanyan,it's you."Whisper said.
"Yeah.I have some news."Jibanyan replied.
"What is it?"Whisper asked.
"You better not tell anyone or else!" Jibanyan shouted,
"Ok,I won't!" Whisper panicked.
"Alright.......two months ago,Usapyon and I finally did it after all these years." Jibanyan spoke.
"Oh god,don't tell me this."Whisper face palmed.
"I have to! Wanna know why? It's the reason why I'm two months pregnant!"Jibanyan yelled.
"What the hell?! I told you guys to not do anything!" Whisper screamed.
"We're not in our teens anymore,we're in our thirties! So suck it up dad!" Jibanyan protested.
"I forbid you seeing Usapyon until you have that baby!"Whisper nagged.
"You're not the boss of me!"Jibanyan shouted.
"I'll tell everyone you're pregnant if you don't!"Whisper stated.
"Don't you dare!"Jibanyan growled.
"Guess what Fubuki,we get to tell everyone that Jibanyan is having a baby."Whisper told Fubuki in the background.
"No! I'll do what you want ok?!" Jibanyan panicked.
"Never mind,don't tell anyone." Whisper said to Fubuki.
"I'm sorry but you'll have to go somewhere else by tomorrow.Maybe stay with us?"Whisper suggested.
"Why would I stay over with my parents?I'll find somewhere to go."Jibanyan sighed.

Days passed and Jibanyan had to stay at one of her hideouts until she had her baby.
It got harder as time passed since her symptoms became worse.
It made it harder for Jibanyan to fight Yokai and everyone thought she was being lazy.
Jibanyan was at the agency with Natsume and the others.
"Another boring day,am I right guys?"Akinori asked.
"There hasn't been that much activity going on with any Yokai."Touma added.
"Maybe because Jibanyan ate them."Micchy chuckled.
"What did you say to me jackass?!" Jibanyan growled.
"Are you alright Jibanyan? I's kind of unhealthy to gain so much weight in so little time."Natsume questioned.
"Yeah,like Akinori,"Keisuke teased.
"Hey!"Akinori shouted.
"No,Akinori is naturally like that.He can't help it and besides,he looks fine."Natsume said.
"Thanks! I guess....."Akinori replied.
"I'm fine,just leave me alone." Jibanyan sighed.
Jibanyan paused,"On second thought,can.....,someone get me an empty bag?"
Touma handed Jibanyan a paper bag,in which she threw up in.
"Ha! You got sick from eating too much!"Micchy mocked.
"That's not funny."Touma said.
"Shut up Micchy,no one cares what you s-"Jibanyan threw up in the bag again.
"Do you need to go home?"Natsume asked.
"I guess......but I'll be fine.Don't worry about me."Jibanyan left the agency and headed back to her parents house.
As the day passed,Jibanyan was settled in at her parents home,she was laying on the couch in their living room.
"Are you alright dear?"Fubuki asked.
"I'm fine mom.Just a bit sick,that's all."Jibanyan laughed in a weak tone.
Fubuki sat next to Jibanyan.
"I want you to know that I'm proud of you."Fubuki smiled.
"For what?" Jibanyan questioned.
"For holding up this long.At this point of pregnancy,you need a lot of rest.I can't imagine holding up like you do."Fubuki stated.
"I'm trying.I have to.I can't let anyone find out."Jibanyan was saddened by this.
"No matter what happens,your father and I will support you."Fubuki said.
"Thanks,I'm actually looking forward to having a baby.I kind of wanted one."Jibanyan replied.
"I'm sure you'll love the baby as much as you love your family."Fubuki added.
"I will.I'll love my baby no matter what happens."Jibanyan smiled back.

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