Chapter 5

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-This chapter takes place a week after episode 3-

Meeting the Family

Two months passed by and it was a week after Natsume and the others finally met Junior.
At the agency,nothing was going on at the moment.
"Bored."Keisuke said.
"That last battle with Junior was pretty exhausting."Akinori sighed.
"Sorry,Ji didn't mean to."Junior apologized.
"It's fine."Natsume replied.
"I still don't get why Junior sticks with you Whisper.It's like he knows you already."Touma spoke.
"Well......"Whisper was interrupted by Jibanyan,who just came in.
Junior rushed towards Jibanyan and greeted her,"Daddy!"
"What?!"Everyone except Whisper exclaimed.
"That gremlin is your child?!"Akinori shouted.
Jibanyan groaned in annoyance,"Yes,Junior is my son."
"I can see the resemblance,sort of....."Touma pondered.
"That's so cute! Why don't you hang with him?"Natsume questioned.
"Because.....I'm busy and there's no one else to look after him.Except Whisper."Jibanyan sighed.
"So that's why Junior is always with Whisper."Keisuke replied.
"Ji's going home with daddy?"Junior asked.
"Yeah,I'm here to pick him up or whatever."Jibanyan said.
As Jibanyan left with Junior,Micchy passed by them.
"Hi Micchy!"Junior greeted and then turned back to say goodbye,"Bye guys! Bye grandpa!"
Everyone turned and looked at Whisper,while Micchy looked in both directions.
"What was that about?!"Micchy exclaimed and then went to Natsume,"I got the soda you wanted."
Micchy handed a can of soda to Natsume,"Thanks."
"Grandpa.....?"Keisuke looked at Whisper in confusion.
"But can someone please explain why Junior was with......that cat?"Micchy asked.
"Jibanyan is Junior's dad."Touma stated.
"Well then.I can see why."Micchy was still surprised.

"I still want to know why Junior called Whisper grandpa."Keisuke whined.
"Ok,calm down.I know you won't believe me when I say this but......"Whisper paused.
"Just get with it man!"Akinori complained.
"Ok,ok! Geez. Anyways,Fubuki and I are married and-"Whisper got cut off by Natsume,"Not this again."
"We adopted Jibanyan as our son thirty years ago!"Whisper yelled.
Everyone was silent,then Touma responded,"Is that true?"
"Yes! Why do you think Junior's calling me grandpa?!"Whisper nagged.
"Ok,I believe that Jibanyan is your adoptive son,but.....I won't believe you're married until I see it."Micchy stated.
"Oh come on!Really?!"Whisper exclaimed.
"I's true.We haven't seen her around you."Keisuke said.
"But......we believe that you adopted Jibanyan."Natsume replied.
"And you complain to him like an angry father to him anyways."Akinori added.
"Thank you! At least you guys believe one thing I've said!"Whisper responded.
Before Whisper made his leave,he said,"But I will get Fubuki to come here.I swear it!"
After he left,Micchy said,"Nah,he won't do it."
"Micchy,you're a crappy friend."Touma stated.
"I know....."Micchy cried in a corner,regretting what he said.
Later that night,Whisper was back at his home.
"How did it go today?"Fubuki asked.
"It was fine,but now everyone knows that I adopted Jibanyan." Whisper said.
"Oh,really?"Fubuki replied.
"Yeah,Junior called me grandpa and called Jibanyan dad,so I had to explain everything,well......except that Jibanyan is actually a woman,because she would kill me if I ever said that."Whisper carried on.
"That's great! At least it won't be as awkward if Jibanyan accidentally calls you dad."Fubuki cheered.
"But......can you do me a favor?"Whisper asked.
"What is it?"Fubuki wondered.
"They still don't believe that we're married.Could you please come over to the agency with me? Just this once?"Whisper pleaded.

"You're lucky that I'm not busy tomorrow,so.....yes.I will."Fubuki smiled.
"Thanks honey!"Whisper kisses Fubuki on the cheek.
Next day,at the agency,everyone was bored once again.
"Gee,it sure is boring around here."Micchy said.
"I swear Micchy,I will kick your ass if you make one more Zelda reference."Natsume groaned in annoyance.
"Well,excuse me princ-"Micchy got punched in the gut by Natsume.
"Even seeing Micchy get beat up is boring."Keisuke complained.
"I'm just waiting by my computer to see if anyone reports any Yokai sightings."Akinori replied.
"Maybe we need a day off."Touma suggested.
Everyone looked at Touma,unamused.
Suddenly,the door opened and it revealed to be Junior.
"Hey Junior,where have you been?"Natsume asked.
"Ji's been with grandpa and grandma!"Junior cheered.
"Grandma.....?"Keisuke and Akinori said,while looking at each other in confusion.
Whisper came in with Fubuki following him.
"My god! She actually came!"Micchy exclaimed.
"Hey guys,I want you to meet my wife."Whisper proudly announced.
They went up to Fubuki and looked at her.
"You're......married to Whisper?"Keisuke asked.
"Yes,we've been married almost thirty years."Fubuki responsed.
"Hm,Whisper was right."Touma spoke.
"Sorry that we didn't believe you."Natsume laughed nervously.
"It's alright.I finally got some time to come here from my busy schedule."Fubuki stated.
"So she was busy......"Akinori mumbled.
"It's nice that Junior is spending time with his grandparents."Natsume grinned.
"Too bad he only has one parent,after hearing that story of how he was born."Touma added.
"Uh.....yeah.It's kind of sad."Whisper sweated through his lie.
"But,we're here if Junior needs us,right Junior?"Fubuki was nervous.
"Yeah,Ji has grandparents and daddy!"Junior smiled.
"If he's happy,then we're happy."Whisper replied,awkwardly.

"It's getting late,we'll have to go home soon."Fubuki said.
"You guys just got here....."Touma replied.
"I have a busy schedule tomorrow."Fubuki frowned.
"What do you do anyways?"Keisuke asked.
"I work at a small ice cream shop in the Yokai World.It's not much,but it does keep me busy.Well,that and sometimes I fight Yokai."Fubuki exclaimed.
"We should visit sometime."Natsume suggested.
"That would be great."Fubuki responded.
Later that night,Whisper was on the phone with Jibanyan.
"Everyone finally believes that your mother and I are married!"Whisper cheered.
"Good for you."Jibanyan replied.
"But,I really wish you would tell them that you're seeing someone."Whisper sighed.
"Oh my god,dad.There's no way I'm doing that.We're sticking to the story I made up about how Junior was born and that's final!"Jibanyan protested.
"Fine whatever,are you afraid that Junior will find out?"Whisper asked.
"I don't know,he probably won't." Jibanyan was annoyed.
"Or what if he mentions Usapyon to someone.What will you do then?"Whisper questioned.
"Ok,you know what? I don't want to talk about this."Jibanyan groaned in annoyance.
"It's going to happen.Just wait and see."Whisper said.

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