Chapter 4

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-This chapter takes place during episode 11-

Falling Apart

Two months later,it was the day that Jibanyan rediscovered herself and regained a few memories of her owner Emi.It was an eventful day,but it was also a disastrous one.Sure,she went through saving Emi's daughter from the reapers and reuniting with her owner again,but she lost something.The reapers that were after her,shot her in the stomach and it caused her to have a miscarriage.
She had to cover up her emotions until she left Emi.She never got to see the remains of her lost child ever again,until later that night.
The remains formed into a living being from the reaper's powers and went to search for its mother.
Meanwhile,Jibanyan arrived at Usapyon's house to tell him the terrible news.
"I.....regained some memories of mine today."Jibanyan spoke.
"That's great! But......aren't you supposed to not be here.....?"Usapyon asked.
"Well.......I'm staying with you for now on."Jibanyan said.
"You'll get in trouble if your parents find out-"Usapyon paused and noticed that Jibanyan had her paw on her stomach,but it had scars.
"I got myself into a mess today.Some reapers thought it would be fun to shoot me in the stomach.Stupid......huh?" Jibanyan laughed that turned into crying.
"Don't tell me........."Usapyon was shocked.
"We......lost our baby...."Jibanyan mumbled.
"No way........I thought I told you to stay out of trouble." Usapyon nagged.
"I.....had to do what I had to do! You wouldn't understand! I would've not got some of my old memories back!" Jibanyan snapped.
"If that's what you wanted,then I do understand, were pregnant and you knew your limits." Usapyon replied.
Jibanyan hugged Usapyon and buried her face into Usapyon's chest.
"It's not fair! Why did it have to be me?! Why?!"Jibanyan weeped.
"Maybe it wasn't meant to be for you to have a baby right now.It'll be ok...."Usapyon said.
"What the hell are you saying?! It won't be ok!"Jibanyan shoved Usapyon out of the way and went outside.
Hours passed as Jibanyan was sitting outside,crying hysterically.
Usapyon went outside to check on her.
"It's getting late.Maybe you should come inside and-"Usapyon was cut off by Jibanyan,"Leave me alone!"
Usapyon sighed and sat next to Jibanyan,as she kept weeping.

Minutes later,Usapyon saw something floating towards them.He couldn't make out what it was,until it got close enough.
It got closer until it was a few inches away,facing them.
" might want to look at this." Usapyon said,being concerned.
Jibanyan looked up at Usapyon and nagged,"What do you want?!"
The floating object made a sound,which caught Jibanyan's attention.
She froze still as she saw the figure floating in front of her.It was red and small.
It was her unborn child.She didn't know if she was imagining things or if it was real.
" see this,right?" Jibanyan questioned.
"'s floating right in front of us." Usapyon responded.
"That's........our baby."Jibanyan mumbled.
"What.......?!" Usapyon exclaimed.
"I saw it's remains before I left the reapers and well.......that's it." Jibanyan stated.
" it alive?" Usapyon asked.
"The only thing I know is that sometimes reapers can make things come to life.I guess the power from that shot made our know......alive."Jibanyan was shocked while thinking about it.
"I..........oh god........we better go inside." Usapyon suggested.
They went inside with their baby.
Minutes passed as they tried to figure something out.
"I checked it.It's a boy."Usapyon said.
"Great......he's probably going to be a troublemaker."Jibanyan face palmed.
"Want to name him?"Usapyon asked.
Jibanyan looked at the child and groaned in disgust.
"He's still a fetus........I can't......." Jibanyan looked away.
"He can't help it.You should be lucky that you have a child." Usapyon stated.
"An incomplete one.........."Jibanyan mumbled.
"Still want to name him?" Usapyon asked,again.
Jibanyan looked at the fetus again,but turned away.
"He kind of looks like me.........I guess I'll name him Junior.I really don't care anymore." Jibanyan sighed.
"Don't be like this.It's our baby for God's sake." Usapyon protested.

"I just can't look at him right now......ok?!" Jibanyan exclaimed.
"You're so stubborn,just be happy for once."Usapyon replied.
"I bet it can't even talk." Jibanyan complained.
"Don't call him that,it's your child.Well,our child." Usapyon said.
Usapyon looked at Junior and asked him,"Can you say anything?"
Junior was confused but got close to Jibanyan.
Jibanyan noticed and barely looked at him,"What do you want?"
"Da.....daddy!"Junior smiled,while looking at Jibanyan.
Jibanyan went cold,"What did you just say?"
"Daddy!"Junior grinned in response.
Jibanyan looked down at herself,"He........doesn't even recognize me as his own mother......."
"Jibanyan,you're not even using your real voice.That's one reas-"Usapyon was cut off.
"Shut it! I'm a woman,not a man! Even my own child doesn't realize that!"Jibanyan snapped.
"He's just a baby." Usapyon said.
"But he should be able to recognize his own mother, right?!"Jibanyan teared up and sobbed,"I.......hate him! I have no son!"
Jibanyan ran off,while they watched.
"Daddy?"Junior was saddened.
Usapyon patted Junior on the head,"Don't worry,if she doesn't take care of you.....I will."
A week passed and Jibanyan still refused to acknowledge her child.
"Come on,we're going to my parents." Jibanyan demanded.
"Why?"Usapyon asked.
"I want him out of this house,that's why." Jibanyan glared at Usapyon.
"You can't just do that."Usapyon replied.
"Who's going to watch that.....thing while you're busy or while I'm gone? I don't want to be responsible for a missing child." Jibanyan complained.
"Are you doing something today or-"Usapyon got cut off by Jibanyan,"Not today......but.....I just want to be alone.Besides,they haven't seen that thing yet anyways."
"Stop calling him that." Usapyon said while being annoyed.

They took Junior to Whisper's house.He and Fubuki were looking forward to see their grandchild.
"Aw! He's so cute!"Fubuki exclaimed.
"He doesn't look so bad.I don't see why you're complaining."Whisper said.
"He looks like you and I hate it!"Jibanyan protested.
"Hey,are you trying to offend me?"Whisper replied.
"She's just mad because he's you know......" Usapyon leaned in and whispered to Whisper and Fubuki,"Junior is still a fetus and he's incomplete."
"I can hear that! You have no idea how many doctors we went to just to know what he was supposed to be! If he was completed,he was supposed to be a cat Yokai like me,not a blob like you!" Jibanyan pointed at Whisper.
"At least you had him,even if you did have a miscarriage!"Whisper exclaimed.
"Let's calm down,he's probably getting upset."Fubuki said.
Junior was hiding behind Usapyon.
"Hey Junior,come out." Usapyon spoke.
Junior came out and looked at Whisper and Fubuki in awe.
"Um.......this is your grandpa and grandma." Jibanyan gestured at Whisper and Fubuki.
"Jibanyan wants Junior to stay with you guys when we're busy."Usapyon stated.
"Alright,I hate doing that,but.....if that's what you want."Whisper sighed.
"Uh,thanks dad.Just keep him whenever you can." Jibanyan said.
Fubuki paused and asked Jibanyan,"Does he still think you're his dad?"
"I........don't want to talk about it.I can't convince him that I'm his mom and.....that hurts me." Jibanyan frowned.
"He'll figure out one day." Usapyon reassured Jibanyan.
"That settles it,we'll watch him while you're both busy."Whisper said.

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