Chapter 8

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!Warning-Small awkward scene at the end.Nothing bad,just awkward.!

The Truth

The next day,Jibanyan took Usapyon to the detective agency,as the others waited for them to arrive.
"So.........this Usapyon guy.Is he stronger than me or better looking?"Micchy questioned.
"He's stronger,but I can't comment on the second one."Natsume replied.
"Aw,why not?!"Micchy complained.
"I'm glad Jibanyan doesn't have to hide it anymore."Whisper spoke.
"Hide what?"Touma asked.
"Oh,uh......that fact that Usapyon is his best friend."Whisper replied,awkwardly.
"It's great that Jibanyan has a friend,I thought he was lonely."Ayame responded.
"Yeah,he stays mad all the time."Keisuke added.
"Eh,he just has issues."Whisper shrugged.
"Daddy isn't always mad,he's happy when Usapyon is around."Junior smiled.
"Oh,really? I guess that's true friends for ya."Akinori replied.
The door opened as everyone saw Jibanyan come in,with an different but yet familiar guest.
"Hey,Usapyon decided to come over."Jibanyan gestured at the Yokai next to her.
"Wait,is that your Lightside form?"Keisuke asked,
"Yeah,I know it's not much,but I'm still the same Yokai you saw yesterday." Usapyon spoke.
"He's kind of cute."Ayame said.
"Not as cute as Jibanyan over here,eh Jibanyan?"Usapyon teased.
"W-w-what are you talking about?!" Jibanyan blushed in embarrassment.
"Jibanyan is actually adorable."Ayame smiled.
"That's an insult to me! I'm supposed to be scary!"Jibanyan nagged.
"You don't look like it."Akinori smirked.
"Speaking of looks,Usapyon doesn't look like that much."Micchy said.
"He's ripped in his Shadowside form."Touma spoke.
"Yeah right,whatever.I'm still the best!"Micchy said proudly.
"Let him have his fun,just wait and see until he sees my Shadowside form."Usapyon spoke to Jibanyan,who chuckled in response.
"Anyways,did Whisper know about you Usapyon?"Natsume asked.
"Of course,he knew us before Fubuki and I got married."Whisper replied.
" he like family to you?"Keisuke wondered.
"Pretty much.He's like a son I never had.Well.......I got Jibanyan." Whisper laughed nervously.

"Are you ok with him living with Jibanyan?"Akinori questioned.
"Sure,they always had sleepovers with each other when they were little."Whisper added.
"Dad! You're embarrassing me!" Jibanyan blushed.
"Is daddy's boy getting embarrassed?"Micchy teased.
"Shut up or I'll kill you!" Jibanyan snapped.
"I think that's really sweet.You and Usapyon are almost like........brothers."Natsume grinned.
Jibanyan and Usapyon looked at each other awkwardly.
"Yeah.........brothers." Usapyon forced a smile.
"Does that mean I get to call Usapyon,uncle?"Junior asked.
"No!" Jibanyan yelled,then paused,"No........just call him Usapyon."
"Aw......"Junior frowned.
"But you can call me great uncle Micchy!"Micchy suggested.
"Yay!"Junior cheered.
"No!" Jibanyan was interrupted by Micchy,"Don't be like that in front of your uncle Micchy."
"Say that again and I'll bite you." Jibanyan glared at Micchy.
"Enough you two."Natsume was unamused.
"I do have one question.When do we get to come over at Usapyon's house?"Keisuke asked.
"Why?!"Jibanyan exclaimed.
"We did go to Whisper's house before.Why not Usapyon's?"Touma questioned.
"It's well.......dirty."Jibanyan lied.
"No,it's not.It's a bit unorganized,but I don't mind people coming over."Usapyon said.
"But-"Jibanyan was shushed Usapyon.
"I'll let you guys know when you can come over.Maybe we can have a sleepover,like old times,right Jibanyan?"Usapyon winked at Jibanyan.
" whatever you want." Jibanyan groaned in annoyance.
"That sounds like fun!"Ayame cheered.
"Let us know when you're ready."Natsume said.
"Don't worry,we will." Usapyon replied.

Later,Jibanyan and Usapyon went back home with Junior tagging along.
Jibanyan decided to lay down on the bed,while Usapyon sat on the edge.
"I don't want those punks to come over."Jibanyan complained.
"Come on,it won't be that bad." Usapyon replied.
"I don't want them to find out,ok?" Jibanyan was worried.
"They won't,I'll make sure of it." Usapyon went next to Jibanyan.
"I swear if anyone found out......."Jibanyan mumbled.
"I'll protect you." Usapyon whispered to Jibanyan.
He kissed Jibanyan on the lips,but was interrupted when they heard a scream.
They broke the kiss and turn to see Junior staring at them,in shock.
"I freakin told you we should've locked the door." Jibanyan whispered to Usapyon,as she grabbed him by his throat.
"I didn't think this would happen." Usapyon whispered back.
Moments later,Jibanyan and Usapyon sat on the bed with Junior.
"Junior,do you understand what that was?"Jibanyan asked,nervously.
"You kissed.Boyfriends and girlfriends do that and mommies and daddies."Junior responded.
"Well,you see......."Usapyon paused,"I don't know how to explain."
"Why did daddy kiss you?"Junior questioned.
"I.......You have to tell him Jibanyan." Usapyon looked at Jibanyan in a serious way.
" see Junior.........I lied about how you was born."Jibanyan smiled awkwardly.
"What....?"Junior was confused.
"I mean........what I told you was true.......but I didn't tell you everything." Jibanyan said.
"Why?"Junior was a bit sad.
" wouldn't understand......"Jibanyan had tears running down her face.
"'re crying......"Junior said.
"I'm not your daddy Junior,I'm......your mommy." Jibanyan cried.
"'re my daddy."Junior replied.
"No,I am." Usapyon spoke.

"Eh?!"Junior exclaimed.
"You see Junior,when you were born,Jibanyan had to pretend to be a man,because you called him your daddy and Jibanyan couldn't say anything about it." Usapyon explained.
" are you my daddy?" Junior asked.
"Well,Jibanyan is actually a woman,but we had to keep that a secret.Jibanyan and I are boyfriend and girlfriend.In short,I'm Jibanyan's boyfriend." Usapyon carried on.
"So......daddy is my mommy and you're my daddy?"Junior questioned.
"Yes Junior.I know it's confusing,but it's true." Usapyon sighed.
"I'm sorry I lied to you!" Jibanyan cried.
"It's ok.......I still love you mommy."Junior said.
Jibanyan hugged Junior,"And I love you too!"
Usapyon and Jibanyan spent a good hour explaining to Junior about their secret relationship.
Eventually,it got late and Usapyon wanted to make Jibanyan feel better.
"I know what will make you feel better." Usapyon said.
"What?"Jibanyan sighed.
"We can take a bath with Junior,doesn't that sound fun?" Usapyon asked.
"What the heck?! I'm not getting in any water!" Jibanyan ran off as Usapyon chased her down.
Usapyon turned into his Shadowside form and caught Jibanyan,who also tuned into her Shadowside form.
"Let go of me!" Jibanyan yelled.
"You're taking a bath! We're going to have people over and I want you to be clean!" Usapyon shouted.
"Are you guys fighting?"Junior frowned.
"No,just go to the bathroom and get ready to bath! Jibanyan's taking one with you!"Usapyon struggled to get Jibanyan to the bathroom.
He ended up carrying her by force.

When they got to the bathroom,Junior already started the water in the tub.
"I never get to take baths with mommy.This is gonna be fun!"Junior exclaimed.
Usapyon looked the bathroom door.
"Now you can't get out." Usapyon smirked.
"Let go of me!" Jibanyan nagged.
Usapyon took Jibanyan's clothing off and sat her in the tub,as she struggled to get out of it.
Usapyon took his clothes off and got in the tub,and held on to Jibanyan.
Junior joined them,by diving in.
"Yay! I get to take a bath with mommy and daddy!"Junior cheered.
"Doesn't this feel great Jibanyan?" Usapyon asked.
"No......" Jibanyan pouted.
"I never saw mommy naked before,mommy looks different from daddy."Junior said.
"That's because boys and girls have different bodies.I'm a boy and Jibanyan is a girl." Usapyon explained.
" really are my mommy!"Junior hugged Jibanyan.
Usapyon washed Jibanyan by force.As he rinsed her off,Jibanyan whimpered.
"Are you ok mommy?"Junior was worried.
"No,I hate water!" Jibanyan cried angry tears.
"Why don't you hate water?!" Jibanyan questioned Junior.
"Because he likes it,just like his dad.Why do you think he bathes with me? He hates being alone,like you." Usapyon teased.
"This is fun! I wish mommy liked water."Junior said.
"I wish this would end." Jibanyan whined.
After they finished their bath,Usapyon dried both Junior and Jibanyan with a towel.
It didn't take long to dry off Junior.He watched as Usapyon dried off Jibanyan.
"Why are you crying mommy? Is water that scary?"Junior asked.
"I-I'm not crying! I just hate water!" Jibanyan pouted as Usapyon continued to dry her off.
Later,Jibanyan and Usapyon took Junior to his bed.
"Remember what you're supposed to do." Usapyon said.
"Don't tell anyone that you're my mommy and daddy." Junior replied.
"That's right.And don't tell anyone I'm a lady,promise?" Jibanyan added.
"Promise! But why can't I tell anyone?"Junior asked.
"You'll understand when you're older." Usapyon responded.
"Good night Junior." Jibanyan kissed Junior on the head.
"Good night mommy.Good night daddy."Junior replied back.
As Jibanyan and Usapyon left Junior's room,Usapyon noticed Jibanyan was crying.
"What's wrong?"Usapyon asked.
"He called me mommy." Jibanyan cried tears of joy.
"I'm happy for you." Usapyon smiled.

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