Chapter 11

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-This chapter and the rest of this fic takes place during the current episodes-

Familiar Faces

It was Saturday and Fumi finally got to see Natsume and Keisuke again.They were a bit nervous,but yet happy to see their former mother.They settled down at her apartment and was greeted with a hug.
"I miss you guys."Fumi spoke.
Keisuke cried,"I miss you too!"
"How's it been?"Fumi asked.
Natsume responded,"It's been fine.Dad's never been this happy before.It's still taking time to get used to our real mother,but she seems really nice."
"I'm so glad! I hope she's a better mother than I was."Fumi smiled weakly,as she thought about how she was as a mother.
Keisuke protested,"Don't say that! You're an awesome mom! I wish you didn't leave!"
Fumi looked at him with a sad expression,"I'm sorry........but I had to.I couldn't take all of the fighting with your father and pretending to be someone I wasn't."
"Well,I understand.It must've been difficult for you to adjust to it."Natsume said.
Fumi sighed,"It was......I'm just relieved that you found out the truth much sooner than I hoped.I wanted both of you to grow up having your real mother by your side."
"It's still unfair........I'm not used to this."Keisuke choked up,denying to accept his new life.
Natsume reassured him,"It'll take time,but at least dad told us the truth rather than making us live a lie for the rest of our lives."
Keisuke went silent as Fumi looked at him,being saddened by his reaction,"At least we can still be friends.You guys can always visit me when you want."
Keisuke sighed,"I guess that kinda makes me feel better."
"Let's have a good time this weekend,alright? You'll be here until you go to school Monday."Fumi tried to cheer him up.
Keisuke smiled a bit,"I guess you're right.We always have a good time with you."
"That's the spirit,Keisuke!"Natsume patted him on the back.
The conversation was interrupted by a sudden knock.
Fumi went to the front door and opened it.A mysterious man entered the apartment.Natsume and Keisuke were suspicious of him.
"Mom-I mean Fumi.......Who is that?"Keisuke asked,nervously.
Fumi gestured to the man,"This is my friend,who rented this apartment to me.I've known him for years.He's such a gentlemen."
The man introduced himself,"Hello,the name's Kyubii."
"Kyubii?!"Natsume and Keisuke shrieked.
Fumi looked at them with concern,"Do you know him?"
"Um.......we've met before."Natsume sweated.
"Uh.......yeah."Keisuke laughed in a strange way.
Fumi's expression went back to normal,"Well,make yourself at home.I'll be right back."
After she walked into another room,they faced Kyubii with angry looks.
"What are you doing?!"Keisuke yelled.
Kyubii chuckled,"I wasn't expecting this at all,but.......I've known your mother for years.I'm so thrilled that she's single.Now I can finally woo her like I always wanted."
Natsume was dumbfounded,"What are you even talking about?"
"You see,in the past,I always loved your.......mother.She was everything to me,but then that Keita stole her away from me.I wanted her first.Now,by renting this place to her and attending to her needs.......she'll be mine."Kyubii smiled at his thoughts of winning over Fumi.
Keisuke was weirded out by this,"'re after her?"
"I wouldn't say that exactly.She's the perfect girl and I want her.I will never fall for anyone else.I even took her on dates through the years and told her things that no one else knows.We're meant for each other,"Kyubii carried on.
Natsume replied,"'ve been flirting with her,in that human disguise?"
"Of course,I could never tell anyone that I'm a Yokai.Do I look that idiotic?"Kyubii flaunted.
"Just don't hurt her.....ok?!"Keisuke snapped.
Kyubii sighed,"Calm down kid.I used to just flirt with girls to steal their hearts,but I'm not that type of person anymore.I just want to settle down and find my soulmate.Which is why......I'm set on Fumi."
"Ok,I'm convinced.It's strange......but.......just don't do anything."Natsume stared at him with a serious expression,while feeling a bit uneasy.

Fumi came back as Kyubii approached her,"Fumi,you're back.I see that you're still beautiful like always."
He kissed Fumi on the hand.
"That's sweet of you Kyubii."Fumi blushed,while being flattered.
Kyubii gave Fumi a card,"I came here to give you your first monthly bill."
Fumi was a bit surprised as she read it,"Are you sure this is it? It doesn't seem much."
"Of course.You're my friend.I'll take care of the rest."Kyubii turned and walked out of the apartment.
He looked back at Fumi and winked at her,"Until we meet again."
Fumi called back,"Wait!"
It was too late,as she let out a sigh,"He's being too kind."
She turned to see Natsume and Keisuke staring at her in disbelief.
"You can't seriously like him,right?!"Keisuke blurted out.
Natsume shoved him,"Keisuke,that was rude!"
"No,it's alright.I like Kyubii."Fumi stated.
"What?!" Natsume and Keisuke jaws dropped.
Fumi panicked,"No,no! Not in that way!"
"Thank god."Keisuke slouched in relief.
Fumi groaned with worry,"I mean......Kyubii is very attractive,but I like him as a friend.I'm not ready to make a commitment right now.Besides,I'm busy with my new job and I just got out of a fake marriage.And......there's this other guy."
"Another guy?!"Keisuke shouted in shock.
Fumi looked away,"Well.......your dad introduced me to him when we were younger.We kept in contact ever since,even when I was raising you two.He's so nice......but......I'm not sure if he's ready for marriage.I mean......I'm not ready either."
Natsume understood her,"I'm sure you'll both be ready when the time comes."
"Yeah,don't let Kyubii get to you.He's bad news!"Keisuke added.
Fumi laughed,"I'm sure Kyubii means well.Thanks for encouraging me."
She hugged it out with Natsume and Keisuke.
Meanwhile,Jibanyan noticed Usapyon was planning something.
She questioned him,"What are you doing?"
"We're going out.We promised Junior that we would go out as a family,remember?"Usapyon replied.
Jibanyan started to complain,"How are we supposed to go out like a normal family?! Especially if we look like this!"
"We're using our human disguises this time and we're going to the human world......if that's alright with you."Usapyon made a statement.
Jibanyan was a little uncomfortable,"I don't know.......I only used my disguise once.......and I'm afraid someone will find out.........about us."
Usapyon raised Jibanyan's chin to face him,"Look,I already talked to Whisper.He told me everyone was busy.Besides,Junior uses his human disguise all the time and even he's not afraid.We'll be fine."
Jibanyan turned away from him,"I'm just afraid of getting into a relationship with you again.......ok?! I don't want people to think I'm weak!"
Usapyon stood next to her,"Hey,I'm the one giving you nicknames and being all romantic.Does anyone tell me I'm weak? No,they don't."
Jibanyan sighed,"I guess you're right.I'm a terrible partner and I don't deserve to have you....."
Usapyon kissed Jibanyan on the cheek,"That's not true.Come on,we can be all lovey dovey and still be badass.How about it,doll face?"
Jibanyan laughed softly,"Ok,I'll stop being stubborn."

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