1. Simple Senses - Starting off very simply, the antelope can smell, taste and hear which are three senses that humans also have.
2. Body Parts - Antelopes have two eyes and a mouth which humans have as well! (I know this is slightly cheating but I do have some good reasons in here!)
3. Danger! Danger! - Crocodiles, lions and hyenas prey on antelopes. Humans could also get eaten by these animals!
4. Leg It! - An antelope will run away from danger and they don’t really have many defence tactics. I hope that humans would be a bit smarter about evading trouble, but I can relate the running to us!
5. Elderly Antelope - Antelopes get slower as they get older, much like humans do!
6. Dentistry - An antelope has very well developed molars for chewing grass. Humans also have these teeth in our mouths.
7. Stand On Your Own Two Feet - Antelopes can stand up on their hind legs to reach up for food and also browse for it. Humans can also stand on two legs!
8. Oooh Baby, Baby, B-B-B-Baby - An antelopes average litter size is one and twins are rare. This could also be said for humans.
9. Shout It Out Loud - Antelopes communicate vocally with many different sounds such as; whistles, moos, trumpeting and barks. The majority of these sounds are vocal noises that humans can also make!
How Are Humans Like Animals?
RandomThese parts are directly transferred from a blog I write. Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://humanimalsblog.wordpress.com/ I try and post everyday, please let me know your thoughts and comments!