18 Reasons Why Caterpillars Are Similar To Human Beings

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1. Furry Larvae - Some caterpillars can be hairy and so can some humans.

2. Fruity - Caterpillars eat fruit and so do humans.

3. Walk This Way - Humans have legs and so do caterpillars.

4. Look At Me - Caterpillars have eyes and so do humans.

5. Bobble Head - Humans have heads and so do caterpillars.

6. Change Is Good - Caterpillars grow and so do humans.

7. Different Surroundings - Humans have adapted to different environments and so have caterpillars.

8. Working On My Tan - Some caterpillars sunbathe and so do some humans.

9. Stink Bug - Some humans can smell bad and so can some caterpillars.

10. Give A Little Whistle - One species of caterpillar, the Walnut Sphinx, can make a whistling sound and so can humans.

11. Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle - Caterpillars can wiggle and so can humans.

12. Blood In The Water - Humans have blood in their bodies and so do caterpillars.

13. Hawaiian Snail Eater - One caterpillar in particular, the Hyposmocoma molluscivora, which lives in Hawaii, eats snails and so do humans.

14. As Smooth As Silk - Humans weave silk and inspiration for this has been taken from the silkworm caterpillar.

15. Blockbuster Caterpillar - Caterpillars have been represented in films and so have humans.

16. Soap Opera Bug - Humans have been depicted in television programmes and so have caterpillars.

17. Book Worm - Caterpillars have been written about in books and so have humans.

18. Illustrious Caterpillar - Humans have been illustrated and so have caterpillars.

Also, take a look at "17 Reasons Why Butterflies Are Similar To Human Beings" as part of this series. 

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