6 Reasons Why A Badger Is Similar To A Human Being

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1. Feel Good Food – Badgers are omnivores, much like humans are. Although we do have the odd vegetarian or vegan. Badgers eat lots of different foods that we humans also like to get our teeth into such as; insects, grubs, eggs, roots, fruit, lamb, chicken, rabbit and honey.

2. Sorry… What was that? – Badgers have small ears compared to the rest of their body which humans can also compare to.

3. Home Sweet Home – Badgers have lovely warm homes called setts where they like to live. Humans also have homes where we like to live.

4. Lone Wolf or Pack Wolf? – Some badgers like to live alone and some like to live in groups called clans or cetes. The size of this group can vary between 5 and 12. Humans also sometimes live alone or in groups.

5. That’s My Tipple – Badgers have been known to get drunk by eating rotting fruit. Now humans can also get drunk, very drunk…

6. J. K. Forever – Last but not least is the sixth reason why humans are like badgers. J. K. Rowling states in the Harry Potter series that she has chosen the badger as a symbol for the Hufflepuff house because “it lives quietly until attacked, but which, when provoked, can fight off animals much larger than itself.”

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