1. Eyes - all the better to see you with my dear!
2. Ears - all the better to hear you with my dear!
3. Mouth - all the better to eat you with! My dear..
4. Stubby Limbs - we humans may not have four legs as such but we do have four limbs and so does an alligator!
5. Front Crawl - alligators can swim and so can humans. But alligators have stronger tails so they may be able to direct themselves better!
6. Old Age - the oldest living alligator that has been kept in captivity, called Muja, is recorded to have lived for 76 years so far. Granted, they don’t know when she was born but you could compare this age to humans whether she has lived for longer than this or not as the oldest human being lived until she was 122 years old!
7. Dominant - whether they’re male or female, the larger of the species defend prime territory. This could be compared to humans whether it’s the physical size (alpha male) or the mental size (domanatrix)!
8. Chubby - the heavier the alligator the slower their metabolism. Although they can move quickly in short bursts. Sometimes humans that are quite heavy may act in exactly the same way!
9. Yummy Food - alligators eat fish, snails and crustaceans when they’re young. Now this could be said for some humans but I don’t know many young ones who have a taste for those foods. Although, the adults do eat birds and deer which is the same for humans.
10. Picking Up Chicks - One way that a male alligator shows his prowess to the ladies is to bellow very loudly. Some human males may use this technique whilst thumping their chests to attract female attention. Also, another display that they use is a loud head-slap. This may not be the same for male humans, (as after failure they usually smack their own foreheads) but the ladies may find them more sensitive this way and take notice.
How Are Humans Like Animals?
AléatoireThese parts are directly transferred from a blog I write. Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://humanimalsblog.wordpress.com/ I try and post everyday, please let me know your thoughts and comments!