14 Reasons Why Brown Bears Are Similar To Human Beings

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I have split the whole topic of “bears” into 5 sections because there are so many different species.

Brown Bears

Black Bears

Giant Pandas

Polar Bears

Sloth Bears, Spectacled Bears and Sun Bears

You can find all of these in the contents above or by copying and pasting links to my blog in other instalments. 

The brown bear represents the first section:

1. Salmon-ey Goodness - They hunt and eat salmon and so do humans.

2. Sleep Tight - A den is like a brown bears’ home, which humans can relate to.

3. Omnivore - Brown bears are omnivores and so are humans.

4. Stand On Your Own Two Feet - Brown bears can stand on their two hind legs and so can humans.

5. Evolution - Humans have evolved and so have brown bears; from Ursus etruscus (Wikipedia).

6. Furry - Brown bears have body hair and so do humans.

7.  Dental Issues - Young brown bears lose teeth at an early age and so do humans.

8. X And Y - Male brown bears are larger than female brown bears, which is true for humans (biologically speaking) as well.

9. Animal Farm - Brown bears are solitary creatures, although they may come together at a large source of food and this means that they create a social hierarchy based on their ages and sizes. Humans also create social hierarchy and possibly because of the same reasons. 

10. Rock-a-Bye Baby - Female brown bears will hum or bleat when they are communicating with their cubs, much like humans communicate with sound.

11. Adopting - Female brown  bears have been known to adopt stray cubs and humans also adopt.

12.  Generations - Young brown bears are taught how to find food, where is best place to live and how to defend themselves, these techniques are also passed down by human mothers to their children.

13. Throw The Line - Brown bears fish and so do humans.

14. Litera-ally Famous - Brown bears are featured in literature such as “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and so are humans.

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