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Is that how you spell it? I think it is.

Anyways, hello to whoever that even bothered to read this (I know a lot of people tend to skip this bit in books) and welcome to my own version of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, in which Ash never met Max and May and he met a girl from the past, Sapphire, instead. The main part of the story actually starts at Chapter 4 (I'm really bad at titles for the chapters and I'm too lazy anyways) although I did include some bits to just build up the background of the whole thing. So of you just want the main story, go to Chapter 4. But reading the chapters before it is recommended or you might not comprehend what has happened. It's just good to have a background first.

Also I have no idea why I decided to write a story that is set in Hoenn (usually I do Kalos or Sinnoh).

I think I should stop stalling now.

*pushes you into the next chapter*

Sapphire Aura: PreludeWhere stories live. Discover now