Chapter 5

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Sir Aaron would have wanted me to watch over his own daughter and son. I miss him so much. He betrayed me, but I still miss him. I wish he could tell me what to do right now, because I have no idea. I want to tell his daughter and son, but how? How am I supposed to break the news to them that 1) they are siblings and 2) their father is dead?

Oh sweet Arceus, this is torturing me. And it's not just the confession. I've fallen in love with his own daughter since I started to be with her.

Dang. I have literally no idea what to do.

Maybe I should tell them the truth about everything. Maybe. Just maybe. Because I don't think that I should. Maybe I can go up to them and ask to join their travelling group under the guise of a normal talking Pokemon. We don't get that often, but there are talking Pokemon. Like Team Rocket's Meowth. Hate those guys.

But then the either one of them might want to battle or catch me. I would like to stay wild. Perhaps I could just ask them to not catch me while still letting me be a part of their group. I would understand if beginners refused my offer, but they're experienced, they should be able to know that I'm just trying to help them. Heck, if they don't, something is wrong with them.

And that Rayquaza too. By the looks of his aura, he has a crush on Sapphire. If I approached Sapphire while being timid, he might think that I'm trying to steal Sapphire from him, which could result in me getting vaporised. Which wouldn't be good.

But nothing will happen if I don't go up to her. People appreciate a comfortable lie more than an uncomfortable truth, yes, but I can't hide forever.

I'm going to do this. Sir Aaron, I'm going to make you proud. I hope you're looking.


"So, you say that the trick to battling and winning with a disadvantaged team would be to gain their full trust and treat them as equals?" Sawyer asked, still scribbling away on his notebook. By then, Sapphire just looked purely annoyed and Ash... well, he just didn't bother about Sawyer anymore.

"Technically, yes. But do you even know how to treat your Pokemon as equals to you?" Sapphire asked. Sawyer seemed to finally quiet down for a moment. But literally only a moment, before he piped up: "I know! Treat them like your siblings!"

"That's one," Sapphire said. "It's also about not discriminating them in public, such as when seeing new Pokemon..." Sapphire trailed off when she saw that Sawyer was already mooning over a Pokemon that he obviously had not seen before. She sighed. "...don't moon over them like you would do to your baby sister."

Sawyer did not hear her. "The ears are so soft!" he crooned. "Oh, the cream colour on its coat looks perfect!" Ash was obviously trying not to laugh or giggle, but he was already failing terribly. Sapphire almost--almost--facepalmed. Even the new Pokemon looked as annoyed as a shiny Yveltal being called Bacon Bird. (Well yeah, being called Bacon Bird would be pretty annoying. Though BB surely should have gotten over it already.)

"Pokemon not found in Pokedex. Please try again." The Pokedex belted out. "H-huh?" Ash peeped. "It's not in here?" Even Sapphire looked surprised at the fact that the Pokedex lacked the data of that Pokemon. After all, she and Ash had been told that the Pokedex was all-knowing, like an artificial god. Okay, maybe not that god-like, but still god-like enough.

"Pokemon not found in Pokedex. Please try again." Ash restarted his Pokedex, but still to no avail. "This has never happened before! Let me try it on Spark. Maybe there's some sort of bug in the dex." Sapphire stole a glance towards the new Pokemon (who, let's be honest here, looked pretty dang handsome and was a tad bit annoyed) and Sawyer, who was still observing the features of the Pokemon and jotting down notes.

Much to their surprise, the Pokedex belted out the normal entry it had for Spark. "Huh?!" Ash and Sapphire exclaimed in unison. "Does this mean that this is a... a... a...." They exchanged looks of surprise on their faces.

"A new Pokemon?!"

Sapphire Aura: PreludeWhere stories live. Discover now